Version HIstory

Back up best practices with version history.

Gain the peace of mind that you can restore old policies and processes — plus, complete visibility of how your training evolves over time — with version history.

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Back in time

✨ Store new versions of training as you make changes.

  • Track what changes were made (and when) as training is updated.
  • Keep an up-to-date record of past and present best practices to guide future improvements.
  • View past versions of training to see how it’s evolved over time.
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Version history control with Trainual
Restore past document versions with Trainual
Back in business

↪️ Restore past versions of training in a click.

  • Make changes with the peace of mind you can undo them later.
  • Empower your team to document and implement new best practices with confidence — while previous versions stay safely stored.
  • Re-implement proven processes when new strategies don’t deliver results.
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📆 Keep version history forever with Trainual+.

Unlock a suite of exclusive features, including all-time version history for total peace of mind.

Keep document version histories, forever

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Join our growing community of innovative businesses that are systematizing and scaling up with Trainual.


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