Why Your Last Software Rollout Failed With Erin Mathie

Why Your Last Software Rollout Failed With Erin Mathie

September 30, 2022

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In today's episode, I'm talking with Erin Mathie. This episode is all about unique ways to leverage training and how to implement new software in your business, which surprisingly is something that a lot of people fail at.

You would be surprised to hear the stat. Erin Mathie is on a mission to create and document the processes that small businesses need to scale, hire, and train their teams. Her grit and love for systems led her to sell her first business and found Business Made Simple, her consultancy, in 2013. She's a serial entrepreneur, having worked with hundreds of small businesses worldwide. She's a member of our Process People community and a Trainual-certified consultant.

So I always love these roundtable conversations where we get other operators out there in the world coming on to give tips and just spitball ideas with me about how you can improve your businesses. So in this one, we talk about really unique ways that you can leverage training for training your customers, training your vendors, training volunteers, training guests at your house even. So training exists more than just inside our businesses. And we'll talk about a proactive approach that you can take to really fine-tuning those experiences and saving yourself a lot of inbound confusion.

And then we get into how to roll out software in your business. So if you've signed up for a software before, I'm sure you have dozens or hundreds of times, you know that not all of them succeed. So we dig into why that is and we recommend from both of our points of view how you can make sure that you have someone championing this and make sure that you're working closely with the company, or make sure that you find someone on the outside to help you make it a success. So dig in, enjoy this conversation, and we'll see you over there.

Topics covered:

  • Unique ways to leverage training. (4:32)
  • Training your customers. (9:04)
  • Why your last software rollout failed. (17:24)
  • How to find the right software. (22:01)
  • Software adoption rate. (24:50)
  • Software for different stages of business. (30:35)


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Why Your Last Software Rollout Failed With Erin Mathie

September 30, 2022

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    In today's episode, I'm talking with Erin Mathie. This episode is all about unique ways to leverage training and how to implement new software in your business, which surprisingly is something that a lot of people fail at.

    You would be surprised to hear the stat. Erin Mathie is on a mission to create and document the processes that small businesses need to scale, hire, and train their teams. Her grit and love for systems led her to sell her first business and found Business Made Simple, her consultancy, in 2013. She's a serial entrepreneur, having worked with hundreds of small businesses worldwide. She's a member of our Process People community and a Trainual-certified consultant.

    So I always love these roundtable conversations where we get other operators out there in the world coming on to give tips and just spitball ideas with me about how you can improve your businesses. So in this one, we talk about really unique ways that you can leverage training for training your customers, training your vendors, training volunteers, training guests at your house even. So training exists more than just inside our businesses. And we'll talk about a proactive approach that you can take to really fine-tuning those experiences and saving yourself a lot of inbound confusion.

    And then we get into how to roll out software in your business. So if you've signed up for a software before, I'm sure you have dozens or hundreds of times, you know that not all of them succeed. So we dig into why that is and we recommend from both of our points of view how you can make sure that you have someone championing this and make sure that you're working closely with the company, or make sure that you find someone on the outside to help you make it a success. So dig in, enjoy this conversation, and we'll see you over there.

    Topics covered:

    • Unique ways to leverage training. (4:32)
    • Training your customers. (9:04)
    • Why your last software rollout failed. (17:24)
    • How to find the right software. (22:01)
    • Software adoption rate. (24:50)
    • Software for different stages of business. (30:35)



    Why Your Last Software Rollout Failed With Erin Mathie

    September 30, 2022


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