How To Sustain Your Game In Life & In Business With Alan Stein, Jr.

How To Sustain Your Game In Life & In Business With Alan Stein, Jr.

September 16, 2022

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In this episode, I'm talking with Alan Stein, Jr. This episode is all about sustaining your game, both in business and in life.

Alan is an acclaimed basketball performance coach, having spent 15 years working with some of the highest performing athletes on the planet. I'm talking Kevin Durant, LeBron James, Steph Curry, Kobe Bryant, and as a huge basketball fan, I really enjoyed this episode.

So five years ago, he pivoted from that experience in basketball to working with high performing business leaders and teams. And how they can utilize some of the same approaches that he saw these world class athletes using to raise their game and sustain their game. So he has written two books on those topics. Raise Your Game is the first book from 2019, Sustain Your Game came out in 2022. And we dig deep into what it takes to play at a high level in your business. So we talked about managing stress on a daily basis.

We talked about how you can deal with the mediocrity or feeling like you're stagnating in the business, what to do about it, and then how to conquer burnout. So all of this is just his great lessons, great stories in basketball, translated into how they can impact you in life and in business. There were so many takeaways, so many gems and nuggets that I don't want to spoil at all in this intro. But just think like, if he was working with Kobe Bryant and asking him the secrets to life and the secrets to performance.

If he was coaching a 15 year old Kevin Durant, who is now a multi hundred millionaire, multi gold medalist kind of athlete. What kind of takeaways might he have to share with you? Well, this episode is jam packed with those takeaways. So listen in and hear Alan Stein Jr's takes on life, on performance, on business, and a little bit on basketball. Enjoy!

Topics covered:

  • Best advice Alan ever received. (5:51)
  • The secret to Kobe Bryant's success. (9:36)
  • Always come back to the basics. (13:46)
  • How to handle burnout. (19:12)
  • How to handle stress. (26:18)
  • Warning signs of stagnation. (34:34)
  • Change up your inputs. (38:21)


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How To Sustain Your Game In Life & In Business With Alan Stein, Jr.

September 16, 2022

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    In this episode, I'm talking with Alan Stein, Jr. This episode is all about sustaining your game, both in business and in life.

    Alan is an acclaimed basketball performance coach, having spent 15 years working with some of the highest performing athletes on the planet. I'm talking Kevin Durant, LeBron James, Steph Curry, Kobe Bryant, and as a huge basketball fan, I really enjoyed this episode.

    So five years ago, he pivoted from that experience in basketball to working with high performing business leaders and teams. And how they can utilize some of the same approaches that he saw these world class athletes using to raise their game and sustain their game. So he has written two books on those topics. Raise Your Game is the first book from 2019, Sustain Your Game came out in 2022. And we dig deep into what it takes to play at a high level in your business. So we talked about managing stress on a daily basis.

    We talked about how you can deal with the mediocrity or feeling like you're stagnating in the business, what to do about it, and then how to conquer burnout. So all of this is just his great lessons, great stories in basketball, translated into how they can impact you in life and in business. There were so many takeaways, so many gems and nuggets that I don't want to spoil at all in this intro. But just think like, if he was working with Kobe Bryant and asking him the secrets to life and the secrets to performance.

    If he was coaching a 15 year old Kevin Durant, who is now a multi hundred millionaire, multi gold medalist kind of athlete. What kind of takeaways might he have to share with you? Well, this episode is jam packed with those takeaways. So listen in and hear Alan Stein Jr's takes on life, on performance, on business, and a little bit on basketball. Enjoy!

    Topics covered:

    • Best advice Alan ever received. (5:51)
    • The secret to Kobe Bryant's success. (9:36)
    • Always come back to the basics. (13:46)
    • How to handle burnout. (19:12)
    • How to handle stress. (26:18)
    • Warning signs of stagnation. (34:34)
    • Change up your inputs. (38:21)



    How To Sustain Your Game In Life & In Business With Alan Stein, Jr.

    September 16, 2022


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