
Breaking Down Innovation Barriers with Natalie Painchaud

May 20, 2022

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In this episode, I’m talking with Natalie Painchaud and this conversation is all about breaking down innovation barriers. How you can be more innovative in your business and build it into your culture so that the rest of your team feels the ability to innovate. Natalie's the director of learning at a company called Innosight, which is an experienced strategy and innovation consultant business.

I worked with Natalie 15 years ago, which you'll hear me tell the little story of being an intern, kind of a fly on the wall in their consulting operation. I learned so much. So now Natalie has this book, Eat, Sleep, Innovate: How to Make Creativity an Everyday Habit Inside Your Organization, and you can just imagine how nicely this fits into everything that I'm all about. So enjoy the conversation and learn how your business can build more innovation into its culture.

Topics covered:

  • Biggest misconception about Innovation. (6:22)
  • Book: Eat, Sleep, Innovate. (7:19)
  • 5 behaviors of innovation. (9:31)
  • Is innovation a learned behavior? (14:31)
  • BEANs framework & innovation blockers. (16:48)
  • BEANs overload... trying to solve too many things at once? (23:43)
  • What is BEAN-storming? (26:59)


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Breaking Down Innovation Barriers with Natalie Painchaud

May 20, 2022

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In this episode, I’m talking with Natalie Painchaud and this conversation is all about breaking down innovation barriers. How you can be more innovative in your business and build it into your culture so that the rest of your team feels the ability to innovate. Natalie's the director of learning at a company called Innosight, which is an experienced strategy and innovation consultant business.

I worked with Natalie 15 years ago, which you'll hear me tell the little story of being an intern, kind of a fly on the wall in their consulting operation. I learned so much. So now Natalie has this book, Eat, Sleep, Innovate: How to Make Creativity an Everyday Habit Inside Your Organization, and you can just imagine how nicely this fits into everything that I'm all about. So enjoy the conversation and learn how your business can build more innovation into its culture.

Topics covered:

  • Biggest misconception about Innovation. (6:22)
  • Book: Eat, Sleep, Innovate. (7:19)
  • 5 behaviors of innovation. (9:31)
  • Is innovation a learned behavior? (14:31)
  • BEANs framework & innovation blockers. (16:48)
  • BEANs overload... trying to solve too many things at once? (23:43)
  • What is BEAN-storming? (26:59)



Breaking Down Innovation Barriers with Natalie Painchaud

May 20, 2022


Organize the chaos
of your small business

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