All About OKRs - Trainual

All About OKRs

April 30, 2021

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In this episode, we're talking with Christina Wodtke. Christina wrote a book that's called Radical Focus, and it's all about OKR objectives and key results. So we're going to be digging into the strategic accountability for your company and how you can do better with goal setting. Christina has helped grow numerous companies in Silicon Valley, like LinkedIn and Yahoo, Zynga, and the New York Times. And through that, she's learned a lot about this management system called OKRs. In addition to Radical Focus, she wrote a couple of others books including The Team That Managed Itself and Pencil Me In. She also teaches over at Stanford.

What I loved about this episode is that we get really tactical about how you can start OKRs is for the first time, what makes a good objective from a bad objective, how you can have key results that are actually measurable and quantitative, and then how to build this into the culture of your company so that you're not just setting goals and forgetting about them.

Topics Covered
  • How you can start OKRs is for the first time
  • What makes a good objective from a bad objective
  • How you can have key results that are actually measurable and quantitative
  • How to build this into the culture of your company so that you’re not just setting goals and forgetting about them
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All About OKRs

April 30, 2021

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    In this episode, we're talking with Christina Wodtke. Christina wrote a book that's called Radical Focus, and it's all about OKR objectives and key results. So we're going to be digging into the strategic accountability for your company and how you can do better with goal setting. Christina has helped grow numerous companies in Silicon Valley, like LinkedIn and Yahoo, Zynga, and the New York Times. And through that, she's learned a lot about this management system called OKRs. In addition to Radical Focus, she wrote a couple of others books including The Team That Managed Itself and Pencil Me In. She also teaches over at Stanford.

    What I loved about this episode is that we get really tactical about how you can start OKRs is for the first time, what makes a good objective from a bad objective, how you can have key results that are actually measurable and quantitative, and then how to build this into the culture of your company so that you're not just setting goals and forgetting about them.

    Topics Covered
    • How you can start OKRs is for the first time
    • What makes a good objective from a bad objective
    • How you can have key results that are actually measurable and quantitative
    • How to build this into the culture of your company so that you’re not just setting goals and forgetting about them

    Radical Focus

    The Team That Managed Itself

    Pencil Me In

    Follow me!

    All About OKRs

    April 30, 2021


    Organize the chaos
    of your small business

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