
Trainual Reports Makeover, Custom Branding, New Roles, & More In This Release!

January 5, 2018

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This past weekend, we finished rolling out Trainual 2.0 to our customers and we couldn't be more excited to share some of the new features with you!

It's the start of a new year and the perfect time to start documenting and delegating your business processes, so you can step back and scale at the same time.

New Trainual features include:

  1. A Brand New App Design
  2. Reports Section Makeover
  3. Two new User Roles
  4. New "Subject Outline" Mode
  5. Advanced Test features
  6. Introducing Forum
  7. Brandable Accounts
  8. Improved Text Editor

Let's dig into the new look and features for Trainual and learn a bit more!

Our brand new design

The first thing you're going to notice about your new Trainual experience is the app redesign. This was a pretty major design overhaul, in a really good way. How you use Trainual won't change, but it will look and feel way better!

We value user experience above anything and wanted to build the Trainual you deserve.

New! Reporting

Reports also got a makeover in version 2.0! Previously, reports lived only within topics or tests. Now, admins can see a high-level view of all stats in their account, running reports by subject, topic, test, user, and even down to specific steps or test questions.

In the user report view, you can see whether or not a subject was completed as well as test scores and the number of attempts a user took a specific test. The screenshot below only shows three results, however, if you were to scroll to the right you would see every subject and test assigned to each user.

2 new Roles!

You asked for them. We heard you.

As your team using Trainual grew, you needed more than just Admin and General user roles. Introducing the Creator, and the Admin With Billing.

Creator Role

The new Creator role allows users the permissions to add content to Trainual without having to be an admin. This is perfect for anyone who leads a specific department or team and knows systems and processes like the back of their hand but isn’t necessarily the one assigning material or managing other users.

Admin with billing

Previously the admin was the one who had to manage payment settings within the app. Now, you can split admin responsibilities and assign this new role to someone at your organization who handles the billing and financials.

Subject Outline mode

For those of you who like to get ideas out of your head, the new Subject Outline mode is going to be your new favorite thing. Before, you could only see a card view of all subjects, but now with the Subject view, you can see an outline of every Subject as well as the Topics and Tests within it.

This makes it way easier to get out those business process brain dumps and build an outline for the content you want to create!

What about those advanced test features?

1. Question order

You can now choose whether to show questions in the order you created them, or randomize them so that they’re different for everyone.

2. Displayed questions

If you have a large bank of questions but don’t need each user to answer all of them, you can now opt to have Trainual only show a certain number of questions from the bank that are relevant for which user is testing on what.

Make your account, your account

Brand it baby! You can now add your company’s logo and change your Trainual site accent colors to match your branding! To do this, go to Settings > Account Info, and make Trainual your own.

Check out our help doc on account customization for more in-depth instructions and tips on finding the right color to match your logo.

Note: Changing these settings on one account will change it for all users on your account.

The Q+A section is now the "Forum"

The former Q+A section is now called the forum. But we didn't just rename the section. We added a few new features to the module to make it work much better than ever before!

You can now favorite posts

Star posts that you want to follow! By doing this, you will get emails when someone responds to the question.

Also, open and close posts

In Trainual 1.0, it either said “pending” or “resolved” next to a question in the Q+A. Now, questions and topics in the forum will either remain "open" (accepting replies and discussions), or they will be "closed" if a question has been sufficiently answered or if there hasn't been any activity on a forum topic for an extended period of time.

Receive email alerts

Previously if you added a topic to the forum, you had to go back to the page to check for responses. Now, you’ll automatically be notified when someone responds to a post you added to the forum. Voila!

The new and improved text editor

Sometimes it's the simple things, right? Some basic updates to the classic WYSIWYG editor make a big difference when it comes to writing company content or even code, embedding media and existing training documentation, or just formatting your material to make it stand out!

👉Have a question about any of the new features? Email and we’ll be happy to help!

If you've been along for this ride with us, migrating onto the new Trainual, thank you for being a customer and we hope you love these new features! We built them for you.

If you're just discovering Trainual, with our newly launched version, lucky you ;) and welcome to the world of better business!

🔥 Tip: It's time to get started with your 14-day free trial!

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Trainual Reports Makeover, Custom Branding, New Roles, & More In This Release!

January 5, 2018

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This past weekend, we finished rolling out Trainual 2.0 to our customers and we couldn't be more excited to share some of the new features with you!

It's the start of a new year and the perfect time to start documenting and delegating your business processes, so you can step back and scale at the same time.

New Trainual features include:

  1. A Brand New App Design
  2. Reports Section Makeover
  3. Two new User Roles
  4. New "Subject Outline" Mode
  5. Advanced Test features
  6. Introducing Forum
  7. Brandable Accounts
  8. Improved Text Editor

Let's dig into the new look and features for Trainual and learn a bit more!

Our brand new design

The first thing you're going to notice about your new Trainual experience is the app redesign. This was a pretty major design overhaul, in a really good way. How you use Trainual won't change, but it will look and feel way better!

We value user experience above anything and wanted to build the Trainual you deserve.

New! Reporting

Reports also got a makeover in version 2.0! Previously, reports lived only within topics or tests. Now, admins can see a high-level view of all stats in their account, running reports by subject, topic, test, user, and even down to specific steps or test questions.

In the user report view, you can see whether or not a subject was completed as well as test scores and the number of attempts a user took a specific test. The screenshot below only shows three results, however, if you were to scroll to the right you would see every subject and test assigned to each user.

2 new Roles!

You asked for them. We heard you.

As your team using Trainual grew, you needed more than just Admin and General user roles. Introducing the Creator, and the Admin With Billing.

Creator Role

The new Creator role allows users the permissions to add content to Trainual without having to be an admin. This is perfect for anyone who leads a specific department or team and knows systems and processes like the back of their hand but isn’t necessarily the one assigning material or managing other users.

Admin with billing

Previously the admin was the one who had to manage payment settings within the app. Now, you can split admin responsibilities and assign this new role to someone at your organization who handles the billing and financials.

Subject Outline mode

For those of you who like to get ideas out of your head, the new Subject Outline mode is going to be your new favorite thing. Before, you could only see a card view of all subjects, but now with the Subject view, you can see an outline of every Subject as well as the Topics and Tests within it.

This makes it way easier to get out those business process brain dumps and build an outline for the content you want to create!

What about those advanced test features?

1. Question order

You can now choose whether to show questions in the order you created them, or randomize them so that they’re different for everyone.

2. Displayed questions

If you have a large bank of questions but don’t need each user to answer all of them, you can now opt to have Trainual only show a certain number of questions from the bank that are relevant for which user is testing on what.

Make your account, your account

Brand it baby! You can now add your company’s logo and change your Trainual site accent colors to match your branding! To do this, go to Settings > Account Info, and make Trainual your own.

Check out our help doc on account customization for more in-depth instructions and tips on finding the right color to match your logo.

Note: Changing these settings on one account will change it for all users on your account.

The Q+A section is now the "Forum"

The former Q+A section is now called the forum. But we didn't just rename the section. We added a few new features to the module to make it work much better than ever before!

You can now favorite posts

Star posts that you want to follow! By doing this, you will get emails when someone responds to the question.

Also, open and close posts

In Trainual 1.0, it either said “pending” or “resolved” next to a question in the Q+A. Now, questions and topics in the forum will either remain "open" (accepting replies and discussions), or they will be "closed" if a question has been sufficiently answered or if there hasn't been any activity on a forum topic for an extended period of time.

Receive email alerts

Previously if you added a topic to the forum, you had to go back to the page to check for responses. Now, you’ll automatically be notified when someone responds to a post you added to the forum. Voila!

The new and improved text editor

Sometimes it's the simple things, right? Some basic updates to the classic WYSIWYG editor make a big difference when it comes to writing company content or even code, embedding media and existing training documentation, or just formatting your material to make it stand out!

👉Have a question about any of the new features? Email and we’ll be happy to help!

If you've been along for this ride with us, migrating onto the new Trainual, thank you for being a customer and we hope you love these new features! We built them for you.

If you're just discovering Trainual, with our newly launched version, lucky you ;) and welcome to the world of better business!

🔥 Tip: It's time to get started with your 14-day free trial!

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Trainual Reports Makeover, Custom Branding, New Roles, & More In This Release!

January 5, 2018


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