Social Media Policy Template
This template provides a basic structure for your social media policy.
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Social media has become a staple of our lives. And for a lot of us — including our business — it's ingrained in our daily routine.
But as an employee of our company, your social media use can have positive or negative effects on who we are and what we do. So, in this policy, we'll focus on social media from 2 perspectives:
- Your personal use of social media at work.
- Your representation of our company on social media.
This policy applies to all employees (including full-time, part-time, freelancers, contractors) with personal social media accounts or a hand in our company’s social media strategy.
What is Social Media?
Like the rest of the internet, we define social media as online communities where users can view and share content with other users. This includes Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, YouTube, Reddit, TikTok, and more.
Our Social Media Policy
We allow all employees to use social media. But we have a few expectations for how your personal accounts and our business accounts should be used.
Using Personal Social Media
As we mentioned, social media is a big part of life for many people. So, we get it if you want to check your Twitter feed or post a cool success on your LinkedIn account — or even a picture of your team at yesterday's happy hour. We're okay with that… to a point.
So, here’s the expectation: Your primary focus should be on your daily work tasks and projects. Meaning, be aware of your time and how it is spent. We expect you to use social media responsibly and only spend a few minutes of your workday on it. AKA type fast!
IMPORTANT: Remember that even when you post on your personal social media site(s), that information can easily be associated with our company. Simply because you are employed by us. Please be judicious about what you post so you can represent us well — even when you're not at work.
Using the Company's Social Media
Our company currently uses the following social media platforms:
- Facebook.
- Instagram.
- Threads.
- LinkedIn.
- Twitter.
- YouTube.
- TikTok.
- Reddit.
If your job functions require you to use our company social accounts, your manager will share the specific guidelines you will need to know for your role. *Like!*
But as a company, we expect that you will always:
- Be careful and thoughtful about what you post on social media.
- Avoid posting anything that could be perceived as derogatory, offensive, or as harassment.
- Avoid engaging in activities that may damage the reputation or interests of our company, such as making defamatory or disparaging comments about our company, our employees, our customers, or our competitors.
- Avoid posting confidential company information and intellectual property.
- Correct wrong, misleading or confusing information as quickly as possible.
Misusing Social Media
The following may trigger disciplinary action:
- Ignoring your job responsibilities to be on social media during work hours.
- Sharing protected information on personal or company accounts.
- Making offensive comments or content on any platform — even from a personal account.
If you are found doing any of these things, we will apply our disciplinary action process to resolve the issue.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Have a question about this policy? Reach out to a member of our HR department.