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Post-Sale Handoff to Customer Success Process Template

Use this template as a sample process for the post-sale handoff to the customer success team.

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Post-Sale Handoff to Customer Success Process Template

Use this template as a sample process for the post-sale handoff to the customer success team.

Our Post-sale Handoff Process to Customer Success

Why We Have a Handoff Process

Creating a stellar customer experience for our clients is the true definition of what teamwork is. As our competition gets fiercer over the years, incredible customer support is something that we've always been able to hang our hats on as a key differentiator.

In a sales role, we play a critical part in setting proper expectations with accounts since we are on the front lines of all discovery conversations and uncover immediate pain points they're wanting to solve with our product.

That’s why you need to execute a seamless and warm handoff from sales to customer success because it ensures that customers receive the support and guidance they need to achieve success with the products or services they have purchased. This can help to build trust and satisfaction, and can ultimately lead to increased customer retention and revenue.

How to Handoff a Sale to the Customer Success Team

Here are the steps for a post-sale handoff to a customer success manager (CSM):

  1. Identify the customer success team member who will be responsible for the handoff, and confirm their availability and readiness to take on the new customer.
  2. Gather all relevant information about the sale and the customer, including the products or services purchased, the customer's goals and expectations, and any relevant notes or feedback from the sales process.
  3. Transfer the information to the customer success team member, using a standardized handoff template or process that ensures that all necessary details are included and accurately conveyed.
  4. Schedule a call or meeting with the customer to introduce them to their customer success team member, and to discuss their goals, expectations, and any challenges or concerns they may have.
  5. Provide the customer success team member with any necessary training, resources, or support to ensure that they are equipped to effectively support the customer.
  6. Monitor the handoff and the subsequent customer interactions, and provide any necessary assistance or guidance to ensure that the customer's needs are being met and that they are making progress towards their goals.

By following this standard operating procedure, we can ensure that the post-sale handoff to customer success is smooth and effective. This can help to retain and grow customer relationships, and can support the overall success of the business.

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