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Office Pet Policy Template

This template provides a basic structure for your business' office pet policy.

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Office Pet Policy Template

This template provides a basic structure for your business' office pet policy.

Our Office Pet Policy

Why We Allow Pets in the Office

At [Company Name], we understand the value of pets in the workplace and the positive impact that they can have on employees' well-being and morale. We are committed to creating a pet-friendly work environment and to supporting our employees who bring their pets to work.

Please note that if at any point we hire a team member with a severe pet allergy, this policy will be up for review and we will likely elect to move forward as a pet-free office.

Bringing Your Pet to Work

Our office pet policy outlines our expectations for pets in the workplace and the steps we are taking to ensure the safety and well-being of both pets and employees.

  1. Employees who wish to bring their pets to work must obtain prior approval from their manager or supervisor. This allows us to ensure that the pet is well-behaved and that their presence in the workplace will not disrupt operations or pose any health or safety risks.
  2. There should only be one pet in the office on any given day.  A signup sheet will be available, so if you think you’d like to bring in your pet you can sign up! 
  3. Employees who bring their pets to work are responsible for the care and supervision of their pets at all times. This includes providing adequate food, water, and bathroom breaks, and ensuring that the pet is not disruptive or aggressive towards other employees or pets.
  4. Employees are responsible for cleaning up after their pets and for disposing of pet waste in a responsible and sanitary manner.
  5. Employees must notify their manager or supervisor immediately if their pet becomes ill or injured while at work.
  6. Employees are responsible for any damages caused by their pet while at work.
  7. All pets must be up to date with all vaccines (for obvious reasons).

When to NOT Bring Your Pet

If your pet is aggressive towards any of our employees, we ask that you don’t bring them into the office. We know it’s probably not their fault! But we do have a responsibility to protect our team.

If your pet has had an accident in the office or is not yet fully house trained, we ask that you don’t bring them into the office. We totally understand that accidents happen, but we want to keep our office nice and clean and one accident can encourage other office animals who ordinarily wouldn’t have any problems to also mark that same spot (because of their instinct to cover the scent).

If your pet barks excessively or is otherwise distracting, we ask that you don’t bring them into the office. We totally get it, but our office is first and foremost a place to work and we need to provide a distraction-free zone for the team to vibe in.

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