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Noise Policy Template

This template sets up a noise policy for your office.

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Noise Policy Template

This template sets up a noise policy for your office.

About Our Noise Policy

Why We Have a Noise Policy

Our company values a professional and respectful work environment, and we believe that managing noise levels is an important part of creating that environment. As such, we have implemented a noise policy for in-office workers.

Our Noise Policy

Under this policy, employees are asked to be mindful of the noise levels in the office, and to take steps to minimize any unnecessary or disruptive noise. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Loud talking or shouting.
  2. Blaring music or other audio without headphones.
  3. Slamming doors or drawers.
  4. Excessively noisy typing or mouse clicking.
  5. Loud phone conversations or speakerphone usage without considering the impact on others.

Try to keep conversations at a reasonable volume, avoid loud or distracting music or videos, and use headphones or other noise-canceling devices when necessary.

Additionally, employees are asked to be respectful of their colleagues who may be working on tasks that require a high level of concentration, such as writing or programming. This means avoiding interrupting them unless it is absolutely necessary, and being mindful of the noise levels in their immediate area. (Hint: Look for the answer in Trainual first!)

We understand that some noise is inevitable in a shared workspace, and we do not expect our employees to work in complete silence. However, we ask that all employees do their best to minimize noise and be respectful of their colleagues' need for a quiet and focused work environment.

Our Noise Policy in Practice

What to Do About Loud Noise in the Office

If you have a coworker who is being too loud, there are a few steps you can take to address the issue:

  1. Try speaking with your coworker directly: If you feel comfortable doing so, you can try speaking with your coworker about their loud behavior. Be respectful and try to approach the conversation in a non-confrontational way. Explain that their loudness is disrupting your work and ask if there is anything you can do to help.
  2. Talk to your manager: If speaking with your coworker doesn't help, or if you don't feel comfortable addressing the issue directly, you can speak with your manager about the situation. Your manager may be able to mediate the situation or find a solution that works for everyone.
  3. Use earplugs or headphones: If the noise level is becoming too much to bear, you may need to take matters into your own hands. Wearing earplugs or headphones can help to reduce the volume of the noise and allow you to focus on your work.
  4. Consider moving to a different location: If the noise is coming from a specific area of the office, you may be able to move to a different location that is quieter. This could be a different desk, conference room, or even a different floor of the building.

It's important to remember that everyone has the right to a respectful and professional work environment. If you are unable to resolve the issue with your coworker or manager, reach out to your HR rep about the situation.

By e-signing, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to follow all of the guidelines outlined in this policy.

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