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IT Setup and Onboarding Process for New Employees Template

This template covers the comprehensive IT setup and onboarding process for new employees, covering equipment procurement, software setup, onboarding checklist, communication channels, and follow-up training.

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IT Setup and Onboarding Process for New Employees Template

This template covers the comprehensive IT setup and onboarding process for new employees, covering equipment procurement, software setup, onboarding checklist, communication channels, and follow-up training.


Why We Assist New Employees with IT Onboarding

We understand that the first experiences of a new employee can significantly influence their success and satisfaction at work. Assisting new employees with IT onboarding is crucial because it ensures that they have the necessary tools and resources to start their roles effectively and efficiently. 

This support encompasses setting up their hardware, configuring software, and granting access to essential systems and networks. By providing comprehensive IT onboarding, we not only facilitate a smooth transition into the workplace but also empower our new hires to become productive members of our team from day one. 

This process also minimizes potential frustrations that can arise from technical issues and helps new employees feel welcomed and valued. Moreover, thorough IT onboarding underscores our commitment to a supportive and technologically adept workplace, laying the groundwork for ongoing employee engagement and retention.

IT Onboarding Checklist

This checklist template was created by recruiting software and hiring platform Workable.

Before your new hire’s first day

  • Coordinate with the hiring manager and the HR department to collect information that will help you prep IT setup. Make sure you have new hires’:some text
    • Names
    • Contact details
    • Job titles
    • Departments
    • Starting dates
    • Software they’ll need for their jobs
  • Order equipment new hires will need, including:some text
    • Laptop or Desktop
    • Monitor
    • Mouse
    • Keyboard
    • Cables
    • USB sticks
    • Phone
  • Determine which software, tools and access rights new hires need. This can include:some text
    • Company email
    • Internal messaging
    • Productivity tools (e.g. Trello, ToDoist, Asana)
    • Analytics (Tableau, Google Analytics)
    • Spreadsheets
  • Get approval from the senior management team to set up new accounts.
  • Invite new hires to join corporate accounts and send them setup guidelines.
  • If applicable, contact new hires or their hiring managers to learn their preferred tech equipment.

On your new hire’s first day

  • Prepare new hires’ desk with necessary hardware, like:some text
    • Computer
    • Phone
    • Printer
  • Schedule 1:1 meetings to help new hires properly:some text
    • Set up company accounts, if they haven’t already:some text
      • Email
      • Company messaging app
      • Password security tools (e.g. LastPass, OneLogin, Okta)
  • Provide digital or physical copies of manuals for hardware and software so that new employees can reference them when needed.
  • Explain how to use corporate office equipment, like:some text
    • Projectors
    • Video conference tools
    • Printers
    • Fax machines
  • Ensure all new hires understand and sign data privacy agreements.
  • Describe visitors policy.
  • Train new hires on how to secure their workstations. For example, make sure they know:some text
    • How to store physical and digital files
    • How to share sensitive data
    • How to lock their computer and desk
  • Explain how new hires should reach you if they have any technical issues. Include your:some text
    • Location
    • Email and phone
    • Username, if you communicate via a messaging application
    • Formal procedure to request technical assistance

During new employee’s first week or month

  • Check in with new hires to see if they’ve properly installed all software.
  • If necessary, schedule trainings on:some text
    • Security policies
    • Best practices when using office equipment
    • Productivity tips for commonly used tools
  • Answer specific questions new hires may have after using tools for a while.
  • Sign new hires up for routine security training exercises.


Equipment Procurement Process

  1. Assessment and Planning:some text
    • Collaborate with HR and the hiring manager to assess the specific hardware needs based on the new hire’s job role and responsibilities. Create a checklist of required items including computers (laptop/desktop), monitors, mice, keyboards, cables, USB sticks, and phones.
  2. Obtaining Quotes and Approval:some text
    • Gather quotes from approved vendors for the required equipment. Prepare a cost summary and submit to senior management for budget approval, highlighting the necessity of each item in relation to the new hire's role.
  3. Ordering and Inventory Management:some text
    • Once approval is obtained, place orders with the chosen vendors. Monitor the delivery schedule to ensure equipment arrives on time. Upon receipt, verify all items against the purchase orders and update the inventory management system to track these new assets.

Software and Access Setup

  1. Software Needs Analysis:some text
    • Identify the software and digital tools each new hire will need. This includes company email, internal messaging apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams, productivity tools (e.g., Trello, Asana), analytics programs (e.g., Tableau, Google Analytics), and necessary spreadsheet software.
  2. Account Creation and Access Rights:some text
    • Coordinate with the IT security team to set up accounts and define access levels for each software tool, ensuring alignment with job roles. Obtain senior management approval for new account setups and access permissions.
  3. Welcoming and Guiding New Hires:some text
    • Send welcome emails to new hires with instructions on how to access and set up their corporate accounts. Include step-by-step setup guidelines and whom to contact for technical support.
  4. Personalization of IT Equipment and Software:some text
    • Contact new hires or their hiring managers to confirm any specific preferences or requirements for their tech equipment and software setup. Adjust configurations based on their preferences to ensure a personalized and comfortable setup.

During Onboarding

Day One Meeting

Onboarding Day IT Setup and Training

  1. Scheduling Initial Setup Meetings:some text
    • Arrange one-on-one sessions with each new hire to walk through the setup of essential company accounts, including email, internal messaging applications, and password security tools such as LastPass or OneLogin.
    • Utilize a calendar tool to schedule these meetings, ensuring time is allocated efficiently without overwhelming the new hire.
  2. Providing Instructional Guides:some text
    • Compile and distribute digital or physical user manuals for all issued hardware and software. Ensure these guides are straightforward and include troubleshooting tips to empower new hires to resolve basic issues independently.
  3. Equipment and Tools Training:some text
    • Conduct a hands-on training session to demonstrate the operation of common office equipment like projectors, printers, and video conferencing tools. Include practical exercises, such as sending a test print job or initiating a call on a conference tool.
  4. Data Privacy and Security Training:some text
    • Organize a workshop focused on data privacy agreements and secure workstation practices. Cover topics such as secure file storage, sensitive data handling, and locking devices when unattended.
    • Ensure new hires understand and sign any required data privacy agreements during this session.
  5. Visitors Policy Briefing:some text
    • Review the company’s visitors policy, highlighting procedures for registering guests and security protocols. Provide examples of common scenarios to ensure clarity.

Establishing Communication Channels

  1. Introduction to IT Support Structure:some text
    • Provide a detailed introduction to the IT support structure, including the primary contacts for different types of issues. Include a welcome packet with IT department contacts, their roles, and best times for availability.
  2. Detailing Contact Methods:some text
    • Clearly outline how and when new hires can contact IT support. Provide information on:some text
      • Location of the IT support desk.
      • Email addresses and phone numbers specifically for IT assistance.
      • Usernames for messaging applications used within the company.
      • Step-by-step procedures for submitting technical assistance requests, including any online ticketing systems.

Follow-up and Additional Training

  1. Software and Tool Functionality Check:some text
    • Schedule follow-up sessions within the first week to verify that all software and tools are correctly installed and fully functional on new hires' systems. Use a checklist to ensure that each piece of software is tested, including specialized tools specific to the department or role.
    • Troubleshoot any issues encountered during these checks, ensuring that resolutions are swift and effective.
  2. Comprehensive Security Training:some text
    • Organize in-depth training sessions on the company’s security policies, emphasizing the importance of data protection and compliance. Topics should include secure password practices, recognizing phishing attempts, and guidelines for handling confidential information.
    • Incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes or hypothetical scenarios to engage new hires and reinforce learning.
  3. Office Equipment and Productivity Workshop:some text
    • Conduct a hands-on workshop focusing on the best practices for using office equipment efficiently, including printers, scanners, and projectors. Provide tips on troubleshooting common issues.
    • Offer guidance on productivity-enhancing tools and techniques, tailored to the specific tools used within the company, such as time management software or digital collaboration platforms.
  4. Responsive Q&A Sessions:some text
    • Establish open Q&A sessions where new hires can ask specific questions that have arisen as they settle into their roles. These sessions help address immediate concerns and facilitate smoother integration into the company.
    • Provide multiple channels for submitting questions, including email, instant messaging, and scheduled office hours, to accommodate different communication preferences.
  5. Routine Security Training Exercises:some text
    • Enroll new hires in ongoing security training exercises designed to keep their knowledge current and test their understanding of company policies. Schedule these trainings periodically throughout the year.
    • Use realistic simulation exercises to evaluate and reinforce the application of security best practices in everyday work scenarios.

By implementing these detailed steps in the follow-up and additional training phase, we can ensure that new hires are not only well-equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge from the start but also continue to develop essential skills and awareness that contribute to their long-term success and security within the company.


Have Questions?

In conclusion, the IT Setup and Onboarding Process for New Employees at our company is designed to ensure a seamless and supportive start for all newcomers. By meticulously organizing pre-arrival preparations, providing comprehensive first-day setup and training, and conducting thorough follow-ups, we foster a welcoming and productive environment. This process not only empowers new hires but also enhances their ability to contribute effectively from the outset. 

Should you have any questions or require further clarification on any aspect of the onboarding process, please speak with the head of the IT department.

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