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Intro to Slack Template

This Subject introduces new employees to our company's main online messaging system, Slack.

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Intro to Slack Template

This Subject introduces new employees to our company's main online messaging system, Slack.


Why We Use Slack

In our quest to foster a collaborative, efficient, and engaged work environment, we have integrated Slack as our primary communication tool. Slack’s intuitive design, coupled with powerful organizational features, makes it the ideal choice for our company's internal communication.

We use Slack because it streamlines conversations, reduces email clutter, and enables us to organize discussions into channels specific to various teams and projects. This organization ensures that information is easily accessible and conversations are purpose-driven. Additionally, Slack’s integration capabilities with other tools we use, like Google Drive and Asana, allow for a seamless workflow, keeping everything connected and in sync.

By leveraging Slack, we aim to enhance real-time communication and collaboration within our team, ensuring that we remain agile, aligned, and effective in our day-to-day operations.

Using Slack

Getting Started

Logging in to Slack

1. Navigate to and click “Sign In.”

Slack homepage

2. Every new hire is signed up for Slack before their start. Click “Sign in with Google” to sign in with your Google SSO.

Sign in to Slack

Basic Navigation

If you’re new to Slack, start by watching this video tutorial:

Our Company Slack Channels

Channels in Slack are dedicated spaces for organizing conversations around specific topics, projects, or teams. They help keep discussions focused and accessible, streamlining communication within the company.

Here are ten channels that every new hire is automatically enrolled into:

  1. #general: For company-wide announcements and general information.
  2. #random: A space for casual chats, non-work-related topics, and team bonding.
  3. #hr-updates: Updates from the HR department on policies, benefits, and company events.
  4. #kudos: Peer recognition and shoutouts for jobs well done
  5. #wins: Share recent team, department, or company wins and successes.
  6. #innovation-lab: Share new ideas, collaboratively problem-solve, and explore company innovations
  7. #benefits: Details on health insurance renewals, retirement plans, mental health care and other company benefit information
  8. #ask-anything: Candid Q&A sessions with leadership and other departments
  9. #it-support: IT-related queries and support requests.
  10. #customer-feedback: Sharing and discussing feedback from clients and customers.

Your department will have their own unique channels that you’ll be enrolled into upon starting.

How To Create a Slack Channel

Creating a new Slack channel can be essential for various reasons. Whether you're kicking off a new project, forming a team for a specific task, or need a space for shared interests, a dedicated channel ensures that relevant discussions and resources are neatly organized and easily accessible to the right people. Here’s how you can start a new channel on Slack:

1. Open Slack:

  • Launch the Slack application on your device or log in via your web browser.

2. Go to Channels List:

  • On the left-hand sidebar, find the list of existing channels. 

3. Create a New Channel:

  • Click on the arrow icon next to “Channels” to find the option to “Create a channel.”

4. Set Channel Details:

  • Enter a descriptive name for your channel in the “Name” field. Keep it short and indicative of the channel’s purpose.
  • Add a brief description under “Description” to explain the channel's focus. This helps potential members understand the channel’s objective.

5. Choose Privacy Settings:

  • Decide whether the channel will be public (open to all workspace members) or private (invite-only).

6. Invite Members:

  • You can invite other members of your workspace to join the channel. Type their names into the invite box or choose to skip this step and add members later.

7. Create the Channel:

  • Once all details are set, click “Create” to establish your new channel.

8. Post an Introductory Message:

  • Start the channel with a welcome message or an introduction to the channel's purpose. This sets the tone for future conversations.

By following these steps, you can create a Slack channel tailored to your specific needs, ensuring efficient and organized communication within your team or workspace.

Need a visual reference? These videos may help:

Slack on Mobile

In today's fast-paced business environment, staying connected with your team can be crucial, especially when you're out in the field or visiting customers. To facilitate this, we suggest setting up Slack on your mobile device. It provides the flexibility to stay informed and respond to urgent team communications while you're away from your desk.

We want to emphasize that having Slack on your mobile doesn't mean we expect you to be available at all times, particularly outside of standard work hours or when you’re on PTO. It's about providing you with the tools to communicate effectively and efficiently when you're actively working remotely or on the go. By installing Slack on your mobile device, you can ensure that important updates, questions, or collaboration opportunities don't miss your attention when you're out of the office, enhancing teamwork and responsiveness.

You can download Slack on iOS and Android.

Training Resources


Slack video guides

Help Docs

Slack Help Center

Other Resources

Download Slack for Mac

Download Slack for Windows

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