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HVAC & Plumbing - ServiceTitan for HVAC Technicians & Plumbers Process Template

Learn how to use the mobile ServiceTitan app to communicate with customers and office staff, process customer payments on the spot, check for part availability, and more while out in the field.

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HVAC & Plumbing - ServiceTitan for HVAC Technicians & Plumbers Process Template

Learn how to use the mobile ServiceTitan app to communicate with customers and office staff, process customer payments on the spot, check for part availability, and more while out in the field.

About ServiceTitan


ServiceTitan is a popular field service management software designed to streamline operations for HVAC, plumbing, and other home service businesses. It offers features like scheduling, dispatching, invoicing, customer management, and more.

Why We Chose ServiceTitan

ServiceTitan makes our lives a lot easier and our operations much smoother. Let's go over why this tool is a crucial part of our business operations.

Easier Scheduling and Dispatching

No more back-and-forth calls and sticky notes to figure out who's going where. ServiceTitan offers real-time scheduling and dispatching. The GPS tracking feature will also help us keep track of where everyone is and how close they are to their next job.

A New Level in Customer Relationship Management

I'm excited about the CRM features. Now, we can store everything we need to know about our customers in one place. From service history to equipment they're using, it's all there. Automated follow-ups will also help us stay in our customers' good graces.

On-the-Go Invoicing and Payments

You guys won't have to come back to the office to handle invoices anymore. You can do it all from the field. It supports multiple payment options, making it easier for our customers to settle their bills. Faster invoicing equals faster payments!

Inventory is No Longer a Headache

You know how sometimes we run out of parts or realize we're carrying too much inventory? ServiceTitan helps us manage our stock levels better, right from the system. We'll always know when to order more parts.

We Can Up Our Marketing Game

With this software, we can directly target our marketing efforts to specific customer segments. We can offer promotions, seasonal discounts, and service reminders more effectively. Plus, we can actually measure if our marketing bucks are getting a good return.

Analytics That Actually Make Sense

The custom dashboards will help us keep an eye on our performance metrics in real-time. And it's not just company performance; we can also track individual metrics, which will help us identify any training needs or recognize our top performers.

Mobile Accessibility for Everyone

There's a mobile app for technicians, meaning you can access all the job details, customer info, and even the work orders right from your phone. And our customers also get a portal where they can schedule services, view their service history, and pay invoices.

We're Keeping it Secure and Compliant

ServiceTitan offers secure, cloud-based storage solutions. So, you don’t have to worry about the security of customer data. It also comes with features that help us stay compliant with industry rules, which is a load off my mind.

It Plays Well with Other Software

The system will easily integrate with the other tools we are using like accounting and payroll software. It's like the missing piece in our operational puzzle.

Saving Time and Money

At the end of the day, this tool saves us a lot of man-hours spent on administrative tasks. More time means we can focus on what really matters: doing our best work for our customers and growing our business.


Step 1: Get the App

ServiceTitan is officially the most valuable tool on your phone/tablet! 📱

Here are just a few things you can do and see on the mobile app:

  • Job Details: Technicians can access all the relevant information about a job, including client details, location, and the nature of the problem.
  • Real-Time Scheduling: Stay updated on your job schedules, as any changes made by the dispatch team will appear in real-time on your app.
  • GPS Tracking: Use the built-in GPS features to find the most efficient routes to job sites.
  • Work Order Management: Check the status of work orders, update them as tasks are completed, and add notes or photos for context.

Important: Download the app now!

👉 Download the ServiceTitan app for iOS.

👉 Download the ServiceTitan app for Android.

🎥 About ServiceTitan Mobile 2.0

Did you get the ServiceTitan app on your phone? Great! Now, let's go over some of the how-tos behind the software.

Technician Notifications

In ServiceTitan, technician notifications play a crucial role in keeping field technicians informed and engaged throughout their workday. These notifications provide timely updates, appointment details, and important communication from the office.

Here's an overview of how technician notifications work in ServiceTitan from a user's perspective:

Appointment Assignment

When a technician is assigned to a service request, they receive a notification through the ServiceTitan mobile app or other communication channels. This notification informs them about the upcoming appointment and includes essential details like the customer's name, address, appointment time, and service description.

En Route Status

Using the ServiceTitan mobile app, technicians can update their status to "En Route" when they're on their way to the customer's location. This status change triggers notifications to both the customer and the office, ensuring that everyone is aware of the technician's progress.

👉 Learn more about how we use "En Route" statuses.

In-app Alerts

The ServiceTitan mobile app provides technicians with in-app alerts or push notifications for various updates. These alerts could include changes to appointment times, additional instructions from dispatchers, or new service requests.

Service Details and Documentation

Technicians can access comprehensive service details, customer history, and notes related to the service through the mobile app. This information equips them with the necessary context to complete the job effectively.

Updates from Dispatch

Dispatchers or supervisors can communicate with technicians directly through the app, sending real-time updates, instructions, or any changes to their schedules. Technicians receive these messages as notifications within the app.

Service Completion and Follow-up

After finishing a service appointment, technicians can update their status to indicate completion. This action triggers notifications to the customer and the office, confirming that the job has been successfully concluded.

Customer Communication

In some cases, notifications might include customer-specific details, such as customer names and addresses. This information assists technicians in communication and navigation.

Feedback and Ratings

Technicians might receive notifications about customer feedback and ratings after completing a service. This feedback loop helps improve service quality and customer satisfaction.

Notification Preferences

Technicians can typically customize their notification preferences within the app. They may choose to enable or disable specific types of notifications based on their preferences.

Real-time Updates

All notifications are delivered in real-time, ensuring that technicians are always up to date with their schedules and any changes.

Integrated Communication Channels

ServiceTitan notifications can be integrated with various communication channels, such as SMS, email, or the ServiceTitan mobile app itself.

Efficient Communication

Technician notifications facilitate efficient communication between the office and field staff, leading to better coordination and service delivery.

En Route and Arrival

"En Route" and "Arrival" statuses in ServiceTitan refer to the different stages of a technician's journey to a customer's location. These statuses help track the technician's progress and provide transparency to both the office and the customer. Here's how "En Route" and "Arrival" work in ServiceTitan:

En Route

When a technician is "En Route," it means they are on their way to the customer's location to perform the scheduled service. This status update serves as a notification to both the customer and the office that the technician is in transit.

Here's how it works:

  • Technician Updates Status: Using the ServiceTitan mobile app, the technician can change their status to "En Route" when they start their journey to the customer's location.
  • Customer and Office Notification: This status change triggers notifications to the customer and the office. The customer receives an update indicating that the technician is on their way. Simultaneously, the office is informed of the technician's progress.
  • Transparency and Communication: The "En Route" status fosters transparency and communication. Customers appreciate knowing when to expect the technician, and the office can track the technician's movement.


The "Arrival" status indicates that the technician has reached the customer's location and is ready to start the service. This status change provides assurance to the customer that the technician is on-site and ready to address their needs.

Here's how it works:

  • Technician Updates Status: Upon reaching the customer's location, the technician changes their status to "Arrival" using the ServiceTitan mobile app.
  • Customer and Office Notification: Just like with "En Route," changing the status to "Arrival" triggers notifications to both the customer and the office. The customer is informed that the technician has arrived.
  • Service Initiation: The "Arrival" status marks the beginning of the service appointment. The technician can proceed to communicate with the customer, inspect the equipment, and initiate the necessary repairs or maintenance.

Communication Processes

Communicating With Customers

With ServiceTitan, you can send automated follow-up messages, appointment confirmations, or any service-related information to the customer via SMS or email directly from the app.

To send a customer message via the app

Step 1: Open the Job Details

  • Once logged in, navigate to your "Job Queue" or "Schedule" to find the job associated with the customer you want to message.
  • Tap on the job to open the "Job Details" page.

Step 2: Access Customer Information

  • In the "Job Details" page, you'll see an area that provides information about the customer. This typically includes the customer's name, contact information, and job history.

Step 3: Navigate to Messaging Feature

  • Look for a "Message," "Chat," or "SMS" button within the "Job Details" or directly in the customer information section. The terminology may vary based on the version or custom settings.

Step 4: Compose Message

  • Tap on the messaging option to open the messaging interface.
  • A text box should appear where you can type your message. Some versions may also offer template responses for common scenarios like "On My Way," "Job Completed," etc.

Step 5: Attachments (If Necessary)

  • If you need to send pictures, documents, or even videos, look for an attachment icon (usually a paperclip or camera icon) within the messaging interface.
  • Tap on the icon and choose the files to attach.

Step 6: Send the Message

  • Once you've composed your message and added any necessary attachments, tap the "Send" button.

Step 7: Confirm Delivery

  • Most versions of ServiceTitan will show a delivery status. Make sure your message shows as "Sent" or "Delivered" to confirm the customer has received it.

Step 8: Document the Communication

  • ServiceTitan usually keeps a record of all communications within the job details or customer profile. However, it's always a good practice to add a quick note in the job's history stating that you've sent a message to the customer and summarizing what was communicated.

Communicating With Office Staff

Communication between field technicians and office staff is crucial for the smooth functioning of an HVAC or plumbing business. Here's a general guide on how you, as an HVAC technician or plumber, can chat with office staff or coworkers using ServiceTitan's mobile app:

To chat with office staff

Step 1: Open the ServiceTitan App

Launch the ServiceTitan mobile app on your smartphone or tablet and sign in if you're not already logged in.

Step 2: Navigate to the Dashboard or Home Screen

Once logged in, you should land on the dashboard or home screen, where you will see various options and icons.

Step 3: Locate the Chat or Communication Feature

Look for the chat or communication feature, often represented by a chat bubble icon or listed under a "Communications" or "Messages" tab.

Step 4: Access the Chat Interface

Tap on the chat icon or navigate to the communication section to access the chat interface.

Step 5: Select the Office Staff or Coworker

You should see a list of available office staff or coworkers who are logged into the system. Tap on the name of the person you wish to chat with.

Step 6: Type and Send Message

A chat window should appear, allowing you to type your message. After typing your message, tap the "Send" button to deliver it.

Step 7: Attach Files or Photos (if needed)

If you need to send images or files, look for an attachment button, often represented as a paperclip or similar icon. Tap it to choose the file you want to attach and then tap "Send."

Step 8: Use Predefined Messages (if available)

Some versions of ServiceTitan offer predefined or canned messages for common scenarios, which you can select and send to save time.

Step 9: End or Minimize the Chat

Once the conversation is complete, you can either end the chat by tapping an "End" or "Close" button, or minimize the chat window for later.

Step 10: Log Important Conversations (if applicable)

For important messages that you may need to revisit later or that need to be logged for compliance, look for an option to save, log, or archive the chat within the app.

By following these general guidelines, you should be able to effectively communicate with office staff or coworkers using the mobile version of ServiceTitan.

Billing & Payment Processes

Collecting Customer Payments

Collecting payments is a critical part of completing a job, and ServiceTitan's mobile app aims to make this process as seamless as possible for technicians. It streamlines your workflow and can help you close jobs more quickly.

To collect a customer payment

Step 1: Navigate to Your Current Job

  • Open the ServiceTitan mobile app and go to your "Job Queue" or "Schedule" to view your list of jobs.
  • Select the job you’re currently working on to go to the "Job Details" screen.

Step 2: Go to the Invoice

  • Find and tap the "Invoice" tab or button to open the invoice associated with the job. If you haven’t created an invoice yet, you'll need to do so first.

Step 3: Locate the Payment Option

  • Scroll to the bottom of the invoice or look for a button or tab that says "Collect Payment," "Payment," or something similar.

Step 4: Enter Payment Details

  • You'll be prompted to enter the payment amount. This may be automatically filled based on the invoice total, but you can usually adjust it if necessary (e.g., if a deposit was already made).

Step 5: Select Payment Method

  • Choose the payment method the customer is using. Options typically include credit/debit card, check, cash, or financing options.

Step 6: Input Payment Information

  • If the payment is by credit/debit card, you can usually enter the card details manually or use a card reader if one is connected to your device.
  • If the payment is by check, you may need to enter the check number and other details.

Step 7: Confirm Payment

  • Once all payment details are entered, tap a "Confirm" or "Submit" button to process the payment. Wait for confirmation that the payment has been successfully processed.

Step 8: Capture Customer Signature

  • Many versions of the app will prompt you to capture the customer’s digital signature as confirmation of the payment.

Step 9: Provide Payment Receipt

  • After the payment is processed and confirmed, you'll have the option to send a digital receipt to the customer via email or text message, or even print it if you have a portable printer connected.

Step 10: Finalize and Document

  • Finalize any last details in the app and make sure to save the payment record.
  • It's also good practice to add a note in the job’s history that payment has been collected, noting the method and amount.

Step 11: Sync the Payment Data

  • Usually, payment data will automatically sync to the main ServiceTitan database, but make sure this happens to keep your company’s records up-to-date.

Create Invoices

Creating invoices in the ServiceTitan mobile app is a routine task for HVAC and plumbing technicians.

How to create an invoice

Step 1: Navigate to Your Current Job

  • Open the ServiceTitan mobile app and go to your "Job Queue" or "Schedule" to view your list of jobs.
  • Select the job you're working on to go to the "Job Details" screen.

Step 2: Locate the Invoicing Section

  • Within the "Job Details" screen, scroll down or look for a tab or button labeled "Invoices," "Create Invoice," or something similar.

Step 3: Create a New Invoice

  • Tap on an option that says "Create New Invoice," "Add Invoice," or similar.

Step 4: Add Line Items

  • You'll usually be prompted to enter the services rendered, parts used, and any additional charges. These may be automatically populated based on the estimates or job details, but ensure they are accurate.
  • Some versions of the app allow you to scan barcodes or search an inventory database for parts.

Step 5: Add Discounts or Fees

  • If applicable, add any discounts, service fees, or taxes. There may be preset options for common fees or discounts.

Step 6: Review the Invoice

  • Before finalizing, review all the line items, charges, and calculations to ensure accuracy.

Step 7: Present the Invoice to the Customer

  • Most versions of the ServiceTitan app allow you to present the invoice to the customer directly from the app for their review.
  • You may also have the option to email or text the invoice to the customer.

Step 8: Capture Signature and Payment

  • Capture the customer's digital signature approving the invoice, if this feature is enabled.
  • If you are authorized to take payments, you can usually do so directly within the app. This could be through credit card, check, or other payment methods your company accepts.

Step 9: Finalize and Save the Invoice

  • Once payment is received (or payment terms are agreed upon), finalize the invoice in the app.
  • Make sure to save the invoice and any related payment records.

Step 10: Document and Sync

  • Add any relevant notes, such as customer comments or issues faced during the job, to the invoice or job history.
  • Sync the completed invoice to ensure it's uploaded to the company’s main ServiceTitan database for record-keeping and accounting.

Accessing On-site Estimates

Creating and accessing on-site estimates is a key function that HVAC and plumbing technicians frequently use when they're out in the field. The ServiceTitan mobile app makes this process more streamlined. Use the mobile app to create and share estimates with customers on the spot.

To access on-site estimates

Step 1: Navigate to Your Current Job

  • Open the ServiceTitan mobile app and go to your "Job Queue" or "Schedule" to view your list of jobs.
  • Select the current job you're working on to go to the "Job Details" screen.

Step 2: Locate the Estimates Section

  • Within the "Job Details" screen, scroll down or look for a tab or button labeled "Estimates," "Create Estimate," or something similar. This is often found near other options like "Job Notes," "Invoices," etc.

Step 3: Create a New Estimate (If Necessary)

  • If you need to create a new estimate, tap on an option that says "Create New Estimate," "Add Estimate," or similar.
  • You'll usually be prompted to enter details such as the services to be performed, parts needed, labor costs, and any other applicable fees or discounts.

Step 4: Access Existing Estimates

  • If an estimate has already been created for this job, you should see it listed in the "Estimates" section.
  • Tap on the estimate you want to view or edit.

Step 5: Review or Edit the Estimate

  • After tapping on an existing estimate or creating a new one, you'll be able to review all the details.
  • If you need to make changes, look for an "Edit" button or icon and make the necessary adjustments.

Step 6: Present the Estimate to the Customer

  • Once the estimate is ready, you can usually present it to the customer directly from the app.
  • Some versions of the ServiceTitan app allow you to send the estimate via email or text message to the customer for approval. You might also be able to capture digital signatures within the app.

Step 7: Save and Document

  • After presenting the estimate and making any adjustments based on customer feedback, make sure to save the estimate.
  • It's also a good idea to add any relevant notes or attachments, such as pictures of the area to be serviced, to the estimate for future reference.

Step 8: Confirm Submission or Approval

  • Finally, make sure that the estimate is either submitted for managerial review or approved, as per your company’s workflow.

Customer Contact Processes

Viewing Customer History

Viewing a customer's history in the ServiceTitan mobile app is essential for delivering personalized and effective service. You can view past service calls, customer preferences, and equipment history in just a few steps.

To view customer history

Step 1: Open the App and Navigate to Your Jobs

Once you're logged into the ServiceTitan mobile app, you'll usually land on the homepage/dashboard.

Locate and tap on your "Job Queue" or "Schedule" to see a list of your upcoming and active jobs.

Step 2: Select the Relevant Job

Scroll through your list of jobs to find the one associated with the customer whose history you want to view.

Tap on the job to open the "Job Details" screen.

Step 3: Access the Customer Profile

Inside the "Job Details" screen, there should be a section dedicated to customer information.

Look for an option that says something like "View Customer Profile," "Customer History," or a similar term. This may be a button, a tab, or an icon, depending on the app's design.

Step 4: Review Customer History

Once you tap on the customer history option, a new screen should open displaying various details about the customer's past interactions with your company.

This may include previous jobs, invoices, estimates, equipment details, notes, and more.

Step 5: Utilize Filters (If Available)

Some versions of the ServiceTitan app allow you to filter the customer's history by date range, type of service, technician, etc.

Utilize these filters to find specific information if needed.

Step 6: Take Notes (Optional)

If you need to, take notes on pertinent information you'll need for the current job. This could be specific issues the customer has faced before, types of equipment they have, or preferences they've noted in the past.

Step 7: Exit Customer History

Once you're done reviewing the customer's history, you can typically exit by tapping a "Back" button or icon, which will take you back to the "Job Details" screen.

Service Recommendations

Remember: When you are in the ServiceTitan app, you may get prompts for service recommendations, including:

  • Cross-Sell & Upsell: The app often has features that prompt you about potential service upgrades or related services that the customer may need, based on their history or current issues.
  • Multi-option Estimates: You can present the customer with multiple repair or installation options, letting them choose a solution that best fits their needs and budget.

Parts & Expenses Processes

Inventory Management

Checking part availability in real-time can be crucial for an HVAC technician or plumber who is in the field and needs to provide immediate solutions for customers. ServiceTitan offers features to manage inventory and check part availability. Here's a general guide on how to look up part availability using ServiceTitan's mobile app.

To look up part availability

Step 1: Open the ServiceTitan App

Open the ServiceTitan mobile app on your smartphone or tablet and sign in if you're not already logged in.

Step 2: Navigate to the Job Details or Dashboard

Access the job details screen related to the customer you are currently serving, or navigate to the dashboard if you're checking part availability in general.

Step 3: Access Inventory or Parts Section

Look for a "Parts," "Inventory," or similar section/tab within the job details or on the dashboard. Tap on it to view available parts and supplies.

Step 4: Search for the Part

Use the search function or browse through the list of parts to find the specific part you're looking for. There might be a search bar or a category drop-down to help you narrow down the list.

Step 5: Check Availability Status

Once you locate the part, there should be an indication of its availability status. This could be labeled as "In Stock," "Out of Stock," "Low Stock," or even show the exact number of parts available.

Step 6: Check Location (if applicable)

Some versions of ServiceTitan may allow you to check which locations (e.g., main warehouse, service van, secondary warehouse, etc.) have the part in stock. This can be useful for planning your next moves.

Step 7: Reserve or Request the Part (if needed)

If the part is available and you need it for the job, you may have the option to reserve it or submit a request for it directly through the app.

Step 8: Communicate with Office Staff (if needed)

If the part is not available or if there are special instructions related to acquiring it, use the app's communication features to inform the office staff or request further guidance.

Step 9: Update Job Details

Update the job details to reflect that you've checked part availability and taken any necessary steps (e.g., reserving the part, requesting an order, etc.).

Expense Reporting

Expense reporting is a vital aspect of job management for HVAC technicians and plumbers. Here's a general guide on how you might go about reporting expenses using ServiceTitan's mobile app.

To submit an expense report

Step 1: Open the ServiceTitan App

Launch the ServiceTitan mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. Sign in if you're not already logged in.

Step 2: Navigate to the Job or Dashboard

Once logged in, navigate to the job details screen for which you need to report expenses. Alternatively, go to the dashboard if you're entering general expenses not tied to a specific job.

Step 3: Locate the Expense or Financial Section

Look for an "Expenses," "Financial," or similar section within the job details or the dashboard. Tap on it to enter the expense reporting interface.

Step 4: Add New Expense

Usually, there will be an "Add New" or "+" button to enter a new expense. Tap on this button to open the expense entry form.

Step 5: Fill Out Expense Details

You'll typically need to enter several details like the type of expense (e.g., material, mileage, etc.), the amount, and any relevant notes. Some forms might also ask for the vendor name or other specific details.

Step 6: Attach Receipts or Documents (if applicable)

If you have any receipts or documentation for the expense, look for an "Attach" or "Upload" option. This is usually represented by a paperclip or similar icon. Use your device's camera to take a picture of the receipt or upload it if it’s already saved on your device.

Step 7: Submit for Approval (if required)

Once you have filled in all necessary information and attached any required documentation, look for a "Submit," "Save," or "Send for Approval" button to finalize your expense entry. Tap it to submit the expense for review.

Step 8: Confirmation

You should see a confirmation message or icon indicating that your expense has been successfully submitted. Some systems may also send a confirmation email or notification.

Step 9: Update Job Details

It's good practice to update the job details to reflect that an expense has been reported, especially if it affects job cost or needs to be communicated to the office staff or customer.

Employee Processes

Clocking In & Out

Clocking in and out using the ServiceTitan mobile app is an important part of tracking work hours for technicians. The feature not only helps in payroll calculations but also aids in job costing and employee management.

To clock in

  1. Open the App: Launch the ServiceTitan mobile app on your device.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard: The home screen or dashboard is generally the starting point once you log in.
  3. Find the Clock-In Option: Look for an icon, button, or tab that says "Clock In," "Time Clock," or something similar. This is usually found on the home screen, but it may also be under a "More" or "Menu" option.
  4. Tap to Clock In: Tap on the clock-in option. You might be prompted to confirm or enter additional details like your work location or the job code you’ll be working under.
  5. Confirm Clock-In: If prompted, confirm that you wish to clock in. Some systems might provide a timestamp to indicate the time of clock-in.
  6. Check Status: Make sure that your status changes to indicate that you are clocked in. This may include a timestamp or a status change on your dashboard.

To clock out

  1. Navigate to Dashboard: Return to the home screen or dashboard in the ServiceTitan mobile app.
  2. Find the Clock-Out Option: Similar to clocking in, look for a "Clock Out," "Time Clock," or similar option.
  3. Tap to Clock Out: Tap on this option. You might be prompted to confirm or add additional details like job completion notes or your end-of-day location.
  4. Confirm Clock-Out: If prompted, confirm that you wish to clock out. Some systems might provide a timestamp to indicate the time of clock-out.
  5. Check Status: Make sure that your status changes to indicate that you are clocked out.
  6. Review Time: Some versions of the app may allow you to review your logged hours for the day or week. Use this feature to double-check that your time has been recorded accurately.
  7. Sync Data: Most times, the clock-in and clock-out data will sync automatically with the main ServiceTitan system. Ensure this happens so that your records are accurate.

Accessing Performance Metrics

With ServiceTitan, you can access personal job performance information. This includes access to your own performance metrics to understand areas of strength and those needing improvement.

To access performance metrics

Step 1: Open the ServiceTitan App

Launch the ServiceTitan mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. Sign in if you're not already logged in.

Step 2: Navigate to the Dashboard or Home Screen

Once logged in, you'll typically see the dashboard or home screen, which displays various options and menus.

Step 3: Locate the Metrics or Performance Section

Look for a section labeled "Metrics," "Performance," "Analytics," or something similar. This is often represented by bar graphs or other statistical icons.

Step 4: Access the Metrics Interface

Tap on the relevant section or icon to enter the metrics interface. This will take you to a screen where various performance metrics should be displayed.

Step 5: Choose the Time Frame

Most metrics interfaces allow you to select a specific time frame for the data, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or custom ranges. Choose the period you're interested in.

Step 6: View Metrics

Browse through the available metrics, which may include things like job completion rates, customer satisfaction scores, revenue generated, upsells, etc.

Step 7: Drill Down for More Details (if available)

Some versions of ServiceTitan allow you to drill down for more detailed information on each metric, such as breaking down revenue by job type or location. Tap on the specific metric for more details if this feature is available.

Step 8: Interpret the Data

Take time to understand what the metrics are telling you. High customer satisfaction scores are usually good, while low job completion rates could be an area of concern that you might want to discuss with management or the office staff.

Step 9: Log or Save Data (if needed)

If you need to keep a record of certain metrics, look for an option to save, export, or log the data. This may not be available on all versions of the ServiceTitan mobile app.

Step 10: Close Metrics Interface

Once you're done reviewing your metrics, you can exit the metrics interface and return to the dashboard or other sections of the app as needed.

Accessing Job Reports

You can quickly generate and share reports for each job completed, which can be useful for quality checks and customer records. Generating and sharing reports on completed jobs is essential for transparency, accountability, and effective communication with both the office staff and customers.

🔥 Tip: This is where you go to see those raving customer reviews from past jobs!

To access job reports

Step 1: Open the ServiceTitan App

Open the ServiceTitan mobile app on your smartphone or tablet and sign in if you haven't already.

Step 2: Navigate to Completed Jobs

Go to the dashboard or home screen, where you'll typically find a list of tasks or jobs. Look for a section or tab that says "Completed Jobs," "Job History," or something similar, and tap on it.

Step 3: Locate the Job You Want to Report On

Browse through the list of completed jobs to find the one you want to generate a report for. Tap on it to open its details.

Step 4: Find the Report or Share Option

Within the job details, look for an option to generate a report. This could be represented as "Generate Report," "Share Report," or similar verbiage, often available through an ellipsis menu (three dots), a 'Share' icon, or a dedicated button.

Step 5: Customize the Report (if available)

If you're given options to customize what the report will include (e.g., work description, parts used, time spent, expenses, etc.), make your selections as needed.

Step 6: Generate the Report

Tap on the button to generate the report. You may be asked to confirm or you may see a loading screen while the report is generated.

Step 7: Preview the Report

If the app provides a preview option, take a moment to review the report to make sure it includes all necessary information and that all details are correct.

Step 8: Share the Report

Once you're satisfied with the report, look for an option to share it. You can usually share the report via email, text, or other methods depending on the app's capabilities and your device's sharing options. Select your preferred method and follow the prompts to share.

Step 9: Confirm Report Delivery

After sharing, you may receive a confirmation message or notification indicating successful delivery. Make sure the report has been sent to the intended recipients.

Step 10: Log or Archive the Report (if needed)

If you or your company requires that a copy of the report be saved or logged for record-keeping, look for an option within the app to save, log, or archive the report.

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