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Feedback Training Process Template

This template details the process of facilitating feedback training at your business.

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Feedback Training Process Template

This template details the process of facilitating feedback training at your business.

Feedback at Our Company

Why is feedback important?

We love feedback! Better news: It doesn't have to be uncomfortable. In fact, if handled properly, there are endless benefits of having a high-feedback culture.


  • Higher engagement and employee retention.
  • Flat, welcoming organizational leadership.
  • Promotion + execution of growth and learning.
  • High performance, individually and as a company.
  • Being the best place to work ever, duh!

Let's flip the mindset of how we think about feedback:

  • Positive → Reinforce the behavior.
  • Negative → Redirect the behavior.

When giving feedback, remember to always be specific, kind, direct, timely, and actionable.

How to Give Feedback

When to Give Feedback

Giving and receiving feedback is part of our daily culture. No need to wait for the next survey — but if you prefer having a platform to give formal feedback, here are some opportunities you can use.

Formal feedback opportunities:

  • 90-day check-ins (quarterly).
  • Self Reflections (2x/year in Jan and July).
  • Manager Evaluations (in 90-day check-in).
  • Manager 180s (annually in Feb).
  • Engagement Surveys (2x/year in May and Nov).

The BIQ method

Whether you're just learning how to give feedback or it's something you've been doing for years, it's helpful to have a tool to guide the conversation.

👉 Start by asking if you can give feedback. It sets the tone of the conversation and gains buy-in + permission to receive.
"Can I give you some feedback and brainstorm ideas with you?”
“Can I give you some feedback on X?”

What BIQ stands for:

There are a lot of ways to deliver feedback, but we've found BIQ to be short, sweet, and effective! It helps collect your thoughts into clear talking points.

  • B = Behavior. Start with letting them know which specific behavior you’re giving them feedback on.
  • I = Impact. Let them know how that behavior impacted the situation, project outcome, or people involved.
  • Q = Question. End with a question to spark their engagement in creating a solution together.

Example of Giving Feedback

Moira spends the afternoon with David attempting to teach him how to make her mother’s enchilada recipe. When the instructions came to the point of folding in the cheese, tension arose and led Moira to not being helpful and David to leave her to finish by herself.

Poor delivery:

→ “Mom, you’re really bad at cooking and giving directions.”

BIQ delivery:

→ “Mom, I want to talk about our cooking session last week, particularly the fact that I really struggled with understanding your directions on folding in cheese. You let me know a few times that I needed to fold it in, but were very unclear and vague on the cooking terminology of what it means to 'fold in'. (Behavior.)

→ I left feeling very confused and unable to carry out the recipe directions on my own. (Impact.)

→ Maybe we can watch a cooking show or YouTube video beforehand next time. What do you think would be the most helpful?” (Question.)

More Tips for Giving Feedback

Here are a couple more things to keep in mind when it comes to delivering feedback.

  • Create a safe and supportive environment for the conversation. This may include setting aside dedicated time and space for the conversation, and ensuring that the recipient of the feedback is comfortable and able to speak openly and honestly.
  • Use radical candor to deliver the feedback. This means being clear and direct, while also showing empathy and understanding. Avoid criticism or blame, and focus on the behavior or performance that needs to be addressed.

What to Do After You Give Feedback

The most important part of giving feedback is making sure it gets put into action! Here's a simple way to ensure your feedback sticks and you see actionable results.

After giving feedback:

  • Make sure the feedback is received well. Practice the BIQ method and have a conversation to get to an agreement that there is a change to be made.
  • Once you’ve aligned with the core thing you want to change, set a goal for what you’d like the end result to be.
  • Set 3 action items of behaviors that, if demonstrated, will get that person to the end result.
  • Follow up and provide support. After delivering the difficult feedback, check in with the recipient to ensure that they understand the feedback and to provide any necessary support or resources.

Ditching Power Dynamics

We never want to foster a hierarchical culture. Regardless of title, we want you to feel comfortable and empowered to give anyone feedback. You have the ownership to bring ideas to the table and to raise awareness of things that can improve to make us all successful individually and collectively.

About psychological safety:

If you don't feel safe giving upward feedback, you might be struggling with psychological safety in the workplace.

Psychological safety is the ability to show and employ oneself without fear of negative consequences of self-image, status, or career. It can be defined as a shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.

Warning signs:

  • If you're uncomfortable looping your leader in.
  • Not speaking up when there is a problem.
  • Lack of innovation & creating ideas.

What you can do:

  • Talk to HR.
  • Ask for help delivering feedback.
  • Give your leader (or peer) feedback.
  • Humanize vulnerability.
  • Authentically listen and reflect on conversations.

🔥 Tip: If you are a manager, consider the power dynamics and potential bias involved in situations where you are giving feedback. Be aware of your own position and any potential power imbalances, and take steps to address them in a fair and respectful manner.

How to Receive Feedback

Tips for receiving feedback

It can be hard to receive feedback, especially when you aren’t used to it. To become more comfortable with receiving feedback, try these tips.

  • Listen first.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Disconnect feelings and take a step back.
  • Take ownership.
  • Take time to deliberate.
  • Give feedback on their feedback and how you best receive it.
  • Create your own action plan.
  • Assume positive intent.
  • Ask for help.

And remember...

  1. Feedback is not talking down — it's a tool to help you be successful or have a better working relationship with your peers. Win-win!
  2. Leave your ego at the door!

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