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Employee Rewards & Recognition Process Template

We greatly appreciate the effort and dedication of our employees who contribute to our success each day. That's why we created the Employee Rewards & Recognition Program.

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Employee Rewards & Recognition Process Template

We greatly appreciate the effort and dedication of our employees who contribute to our success each day. That's why we created the Employee Rewards & Recognition Program.

This template was created in partnership with Kelly Loudermilk, people ops leader & Trainual certified consultant.


Why We Have Rewards for Stellar Employees

At our company, we greatly appreciate the effort and dedication of our employees who contribute to our success each day. That's why we created the Employee Awards Program to recognize those who go above and beyond through exceptional achievements that align with our goals, mission and values.

This program offers more than a simple acknowledgment; it is a meaningful investment in those who personify our values of innovation, collaboration, and excellence.

It's our way of expressing gratitude for the passion and talent that makes outstanding performance possible. We aim to foster an environment where hard work is valued, and all employees feel motivated to develop their strengths in service of collective ambitions.

The program also integrates peer recognition features so we may surface insights and inspire one another. By highlighting accomplishments, we reinforce critical behaviors that drive our shared success.

We sincerely hope you feel encouraged to maximize your potential with us. We eagerly anticipate the chance to honor the achievements that set new standards for our organization. Please know that your efforts do not go unnoticed, and we will continually strive to appreciate them meaningfully.

Who’s Eligible?

We believe in the importance of inclusivity and equal opportunity in recognizing the hard work of our team. Therefore, our Employee Rewards and Recognition Program is open to all employees, both full-time and part-time. This inclusive approach ensures that every member of our team has the opportunity to be acknowledged for their contributions.

For full-time employees, eligibility begins from the date of hire. For our part-time colleagues, we have established a fair criterion to ensure their efforts are equally recognized. Part-time employees are eligible for nomination and selection if they have completed a minimum of 50 hours of work per month over a continuous period of three months. This requirement is designed to ensure that part-time employees who consistently contribute to our company's success are rightfully included in our rewards and recognition process.

Managers and people leaders are also eligible for our Employee Rewards and Recognition Program, recognizing their pivotal role in team success and leadership. Their inclusion ensures that we acknowledge and celebrate leadership achievements, fostering an inclusive and motivating environment for all staff levels.

By encompassing all members of our workforce, we aim to build a culture of appreciation and respect, celebrating the diverse contributions that make our company thrive.

Our Rewards and Recognition Program

Program Overview

The cornerstone of our Employee Rewards and Recognition Program at our company lies in acknowledging both formal achievements and everyday contributions. Central to this is our “Employee of the Month” award, a prestigious accolade that spotlights one outstanding employee each month. This award is not merely a title; it comes with a tangible token of our gratitude in the form of a $50 Amazon gift card, symbolizing our appreciation for the exceptional dedication and effort of the awardee.

In addition to this formal recognition, we also have a #Praise channel in our online messaging system designed to foster a culture of continuous appreciation. This channel allows all members of our team, regardless of their role or level, to acknowledge and celebrate the daily achievements and hard work of their colleagues. Whether it's a successful project completion, a helping hand lent in a time of need, or consistent performance, this serves as an open space for everyone to express gratitude and give #Praise.

Employees are encouraged to use the Praise channel as a platform to express appreciation, aligning with our company's core values of Collaboration, Integrity, Innovation, and Respect. By sharing acknowledgments that exemplify these values, we reinforce a culture that cherishes teamwork, honesty, creative problem-solving, and mutual respect, thereby strengthening our commitment to these fundamental principles.

By combining formal recognition with an ongoing platform for praise, our program aims to create an environment where every contribution is noticed and valued. We believe that this balanced approach will inspire and motivate our team, reinforcing the ethos of excellence and collaboration that drives our company forward.

Award Criteria and Selection

Transparency and fairness are the bedrocks of our employee recognition selection process at our company. This prestigious award is open to nominations from managers, team leads, and executive team members recognizing employees who exhibit exceptional qualities and contributions in various aspects of their work.

1. Nomination: All nominators are encouraged to nominate team members who they believe have gone above and beyond in their roles. This nomination is an acknowledgment of the employee's outstanding contributions and serves as a formal recommendation for the award. (The nomination process is outlined in the next step.)

2. Criteria for Selection:

  • Performance-based Criteria: Nominees should demonstrate excellence in achieving and, ideally, surpassing job-related goals. This includes meeting or exceeding sales targets, timely and successful completion of projects, and other quantifiable job responsibilities.
  • Values-based Criteria: This aspect focuses on how the nominee embodies our core values. For Collaboration, we look at their teamwork skills and how they promote unity. Integrity is assessed through their honesty and ethical conduct in all dealings. Innovation is observed in their approach to problem-solving and creativity. Finally, Respect is gauged by their professional interactions with colleagues and clients, demonstrating consideration and understanding in every aspect of their work. This criteria highlights not just their job performance, but their commitment to our company’s fundamental values.
  • Innovation and Improvement: We value employees who proactively seek ways to improve our processes, propose cost-saving ideas, or innovate in their approach to solving workplace challenges. This could look like introducing a new software that enhances collaboration and project management; developing a creative marketing campaign; or proposing cost-saving strategies. This criterion recognizes the creative and forward-thinking efforts of our team members.

3. Selection Process: The final selection is made by a committee comprising senior management and representatives from the Human Resources department. This committee reviews all nominations against the performance, values, and innovation-based criteria listed above. This ensures a fair and unbiased selection process. The committee's diverse composition ensures a balanced perspective, taking into account various aspects of an employee's contributions.

By delineating clear criteria and establishing a transparent selection process, we aim to ensure that the recognized employees are a reflection of merit, hard work, and dedication.

Nomination Process

For those looking to nominate an employee for the Employee Rewards and Recognition award, please follow these steps:

  1. Nomination timeline: Nominations should be submitted between the 1st and the 15th of each month. This allows time for the selection committee to review all entries before announcing the winner at the end of the month.
  2. Nomination form: Complete the award nomination form. This form requires the nominee's full name, department, and your relationship to them (e.g., direct manager).
  3. Detailed justification: Provide a detailed justification for the nomination, specifically addressing how the nominee meets the award's criteria: performance, behavior, and innovation. Include specific examples and achievements.
  4. One nomination per year: Keep in mind that an employee should not be nominated more than once within a 6-month period. This ensures a fair opportunity for all deserving employees to be recognized.
  5. Submission: Submit the completed form via the designated online portal or email it to the Human Resources department by the 15th of the month.

By adhering to these guidelines, managers can effectively participate in recognizing and celebrating the outstanding contributions of our team members.

Award Presentation

The presentation of the employee award is a celebratory occasion recognizing the hard work and achievements of our team.

  1. Award Presentation: The recognized employee will be honored during our monthly company-wide meeting. This public acknowledgment serves not only as a celebration of the individual's accomplishments but also as an inspiration to others. The presentation includes a brief overview of the recipient’s contributions and the handing over of the award.
  2. Internal Communication: Following the award presentation, we will feature the winner in our internal communications. This includes a special highlight in our company newsletter and a dedicated post on our intranet or company messaging channel. These communications will provide a detailed account of the recipient's achievements, offering a broader insight into their contributions and reinforcing the value we place on outstanding performance and model character. 

Through these channels, we aim to cultivate a culture of recognition and appreciation, ensuring that the achievements of our employees are celebrated and known across the entire organization.


Have Questions?

Our Employee Rewards and Recognition Program is a fundamental part of our commitment to fostering a positive and productive work environment at our company. We understand the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the hard work and achievements of our team, as these efforts are the driving force behind our company's success. 

This program is designed to be inclusive, fair, and reflective of our mission and values. Should you have any questions about the program, its processes, or if you need assistance with nominations or any other related matter, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Head of Human Resources. 

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