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Employee Resource Groups (ERG) Program Template

Show off your comprehensive Employee Resource Groups (ERG) Program, offering insight into ERG fundamentals, program parameters, current ERGs, operational strategies, and ways to engage.

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Employee Resource Groups (ERG) Program Template

Show off your comprehensive Employee Resource Groups (ERG) Program, offering insight into ERG fundamentals, program parameters, current ERGs, operational strategies, and ways to engage.

This template was created in partnership with CEO of The ERG Movement Maceo Owens.

About Our ERG Program

What Are Employee Resource Groups?

Within our organizational ethos, Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are foundational to fostering a sense of community and inclusivity among our workforce. We regard ERGs as instrumental in building a culture of belonging, particularly for those in underrepresented groups. They function as employee-led initiatives, with corporate sponsorship, aimed at enhancing our workplace's inclusiveness and engagement.

ERGs are strategically positioned at the nexus of employee engagement, professional development, and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives. They offer unique opportunities for authentic community building and developmental experiences tailored to our employees' needs. While these groups primarily focus on supporting underrepresented identities, they are unequivocally open to all employees, reinforcing our commitment to inclusivity and belonging for everyone.

Participation in an ERG allows employees to network across different sectors of the company, develop new skills, and assume leadership roles. Through a variety of programs, including mentorship, community outreach, and cultural events, ERGs contribute significantly to promoting a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture. Our investment in ERGs reflects our dedication to creating an environment where every employee is valued, empowered, and positioned to excel.

Our Program’s Purpose

The purpose of our Employee Resource Groups (ERG) program is to cultivate an inclusive culture that values community and fosters a sense of belonging among all employees. By leveraging the unique backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences of our workforce, our ERGs aim to enhance employee engagement, innovation, and professional growth, ultimately contributing to our company's success and competitive advantage.

Program Vision

Our vision is to establish a workplace where inclusivity and community are celebrated, and every employee feels empowered to bring their whole self to work. We envision our ERGs as central to building this environment, serving as platforms for dialogue, learning, and action that advance equity and inclusivity. Through the ERGs, we aim to not only support our employees personally and professionally but also to drive positive change within our company and the communities we serve.

Program Parameters

Not a replacement for formal DEI initiatives: The purpose of this program is not to supplant or duplicate the efforts of the formal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) department. Rather, it aims to support and amplify DEI work, ensuring it operates in harmony with these efforts.

Not a singular fix for diversity and inclusivity issues: The ERG Program, while valuable, is not the sole answer to all diversity and inclusivity challenges within the organization. It exists as part of a wider, concerted strategy to better the workplace for everyone.

Strict adherence to structured initiatives: ERG leaders and members must stick to the established rules and guidelines of the program. Any proposals or activities beyond these set limits do not fall within the ERG Program's remit and should not be undertaken in its name.

Our Current ERGs

Women’s Leadership Network

  • Who They Support: Focuses on supporting women in the workplace and advocacy on issues affecting women in the professional sphere.
  • History: Established in 2015, WLN was the first ERG at our company, created in response to a company-wide initiative to enhance gender diversity in leadership positions.
  • Point of Contact: Jane Doe, Director of Marketing –

[Link to learn more.]

[Link to join.]

Pride at Work

  • Who They Support: Dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ employees.
  • History: Founded in 2017, Pride at Work reflects [Company Name]'s commitment to fostering an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ employees and allies.
  • Point of Contact: Alex Smith, Senior Product Manager –

[Link to learn more.]

[Link to join.]

Disabilities Employee Network

  • Who They Support: Aims to support and uplift employees with disabilities.
  • History: Launched in 2018, CDN was initiated to recognize and foster an inclusive environment where all employees feel valued.
  • Point of Contact: Maria Gonzalez, HR Specialist –

[Link to learn more.]

[Link to join.]

How Our ERGs Are Run

Group Governance

These roles include:

  • Chair: The Chair serves as the project manager of the ERG, overseeing the strategic planning and execution of the group's goals. This individual coordinates ERG Leadership sessions, liaises with company leadership with the visibility in / collaboration with the ERG Program Manager, and ensures that the ERG aligns with the overall program purpose of promoting employee belonging within the company.
  • Communications Lead: Responsible for community building within the ERG, this role manages the ERG's communications channels, including email newsletters, social media in collaboration with the social media/PR team, and the internal company communication platform. The Communications Lead ensures members are both informed about upcoming events & initiatives, provided with community-specific news & resources, and commented with other members in their ERG community.
  • Events Lead: This role focuses on hosting monthly events that engage and benefit ERG members. Events range from social gatherings to speaker series and workshops, all designed to support the ERG’s objectives of fostering community, and creating niche professional development opportunities.
  • Activities Lead: Beyond scheduled events, the Activities Lead organizes additional programming, such as member projects, mentorship pairings, and community service opportunities, offering more flexible engagement opportunities for members.
  • Executive Sponsor: A support role held by an individual at the Director level or above, the Executive Sponsor provides guidance, advocacy, and resources to the ERG. They play a key role in amplifying, connecting, leadership development, and driving confidence.

Program Strategy

Our ERG strategy is intricately linked with the ERG Movement ModelTM, a framework designed to evaluate and guide the progress and impact of our Employee Resource Groups. This model helps us understand where our ERG Program stands in its lifecycle — whether it's in the formation stage, growth phase, or at a maturity level — and tailor support and strategies accordingly. By assessing ERGs against this model, we can identify specific needs such as monitored metrics, membership engagement strategies, or resource allocation to move the ERG forward.

The ERG Movement Model emphasizes continuous progression, encouraging ERGs to evolve by setting ambitious goals, innovating in their activities, and expanding their influence within and outside the company. This approach ensures that our ERGs not only support their members effectively but also do so in a way that is structured and doesn’t contribute to the burnout of our volunteer ERG Leaders. By systematically assessing our ERGs' development, we can foster an environment where these groups thrive, benefiting all employees and the company as a whole.

ERG Leader Appreciation

We deeply value the dedication and impact of our voluntary ERG Leaders. Their commitment plays a pivotal role in driving our diversity and inclusion efforts forward. To honor this, we've established a comprehensive ERG Leader Appreciation Approach that recognizes their contributions in various meaningful ways.

Firstly, we offer public acknowledgment of ERG Leaders during company-wide meetings and through our internal communication channels, highlighting their achievements and the positive changes they've enacted. Additionally, we provide professional development opportunities, supporting their career growth within the company.

We also celebrate their efforts with annual appreciation events, creating a space to thank them personally and allow for networking with senior leadership. Lastly, achievement awards are given to outstanding ERG Leaders, recognizing exceptional leadership, innovation in programming, and significant contributions to fostering an inclusive workplace culture where employees can show up as their authentic selves. These recognitions underscore our gratitude and the critical role ERG Leaders play in enriching our company’s environment.

ERGs and You: How To Get Involved

As a Member

Becoming a part of our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) at our company is a straightforward and enriching process, designed to welcome all employees who share our commitment to diversity and inclusion. Here’s how you can join and participate in our ERGs:

How to Join: 

To join an ERG, interested employees are invited to access our dedicated ERG join channel on the company’s internal platform. Here, you’ll find detailed information on each ERG, including their focus areas and upcoming events. The next step involves completing a membership form, which includes an agreement to adhere to our community guidelines. These guidelines are vital in ensuring that our ERGs remain a respectful and supportive environment for all members.

Participating as an Hourly Employee: 

Hourly employees eager to participate in ERG activities are encouraged to do so with some prior coordination. Firstly, you must notify your manager of your intention to attend ERG events. This is essential for maintaining transparency and ensuring that your participation aligns with departmental schedules. Additionally, you must inform the scheduling team at least two weeks in advance of the event. This advance notice helps in accommodating your participation without disrupting operational efficiencies.

How to Refer Others: 

Referring colleagues to join an ERG is not only welcomed but encouraged. If you know someone who could benefit from or contribute to an ERG, guide them to the join channel and share your personal experiences. Personal testimonials can be incredibly powerful in showcasing the value and impact of our ERGs. Encourage them to complete the membership form, emphasizing the importance of the community guidelines in fostering a positive and inclusive ERG experience.

Participation in our ERGs is a unique opportunity to grow, learn, and contribute to a culture of inclusion and belonging at our company. We welcome your enthusiasm and engagement in these vital employee networks.

As an ERG Leader

Stepping into a leadership role within our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) at our company offers a unique opportunity to drive diversity, inclusion, and equity initiatives forward, making a substantial impact on our company culture. If you're considering taking on this rewarding challenge, here's what you need to know:

Qualifications for Leadership: 

To qualify as an ERG leader, you must be a full-time employee. It’s crucial that candidates for leadership positions are not currently on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), ensuring they are in good standing.

Application Process: 

Aspiring ERG leaders are required to go through an easy application process. The final stage of Selection involves obtaining permission from your manager. This step is essential to ensure there’s alignment and support for your involvement in ERG leadership.

Time Commitment: 

ERG leaders are expected to commit between 1-3 hours per week to their duties. This time may increase during significant events and month-long celebrations.

Succession Planning: 

ERG leaders serve for a period of two years to maintain fresh perspectives and energy in leading our belonging efforts. Information about open leadership positions and the application process is made available in the ERG roster, accessible through our internal ERG link. This transparency ensures all interested and qualified candidates can apply for leadership roles as they become available.

Applying for ERG Leadership: 

If you meet the qualifications and are ready to contribute significantly to our company’s culture, we encourage you to apply. 

[Insert link] 

This leadership role is not just a position but a chance to embody and promote the values that make our company a great place for all.

Becoming an ERG leader is a prestigious opportunity to make a lasting difference in our community, providing a platform for professional growth, leadership development, and the chance to enhance the experiences of employees at (company).

Collaboration with the ERG Program

Business units may leverage our ERG Program as a tool and partner to enhance company initiatives. To facilitate this collaboration, each ERG Chair is responsible for liaising with business units. Business units seeking to collaborate with an ERG can reach out directly to the ERG Chairs via our internal communications platform or via email. This streamlined approach ensures effective communication and collaboration, driving mutual growth and understanding across all levels of our company. Engaging with ERGs offers business units unique insights into market trends, employee engagement, and cultural competency, contributing to our overarching goal of creating a truly inclusive workplace.


Have Questions?

Our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) play a vital role in fostering a culture of inclusivity, belonging, and empowerment. By participating in or leading an ERG, employees have the opportunity to build a supportive community and develop professional skills. 

For those interested in learning more about our ERGs, whether you're considering joining, leading, or collaborating with one, we encourage you to reach out. If you have any questions or require further information about our ERG programs, please contact our Head of HR/Head of Employee Engagement/ Head of Diversity/ERG Program Manager.

At our company, we believe that our strength lies in our people. We are committed to creating an environment where every employee feels valued, heard, and empowered to achieve their full potential. Together, we continue to build a more inclusive, equitable, and dynamic workplace for all.

Additional ERG Resources

Employee Code of Conduct.

Social Media Policy.

HR Reporting.

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