Employee Resignation Policy Template

Use this policy to detail expectations and next steps surrounding employee resignations at your business.


Why We Have a Resignation Policy

You might be wondering, "Why on Earth does our company have an entire policy for when someone wants to leave?" 

It’s a bit unorthodox, sure, but there are a few good reasons for it!

First off, we genuinely believe in supporting our employees, even if that means they're heading towards a different finish line. We're your biggest fans! And if spreading your wings and exploring new horizons is what's calling you, we're going to be here — pom-poms in hand, cheering you on.

That being said, amidst our applause and maybe a few dramatic farewell tears, we also believe in making goodbyes a tad easier (and a lot more organized!). By having a resignation policy in place, we make sure your responsibilities find a new home, all while having that essential heart-to-heart in an exit interview. 

That way, you know your role is going to be taken care of when you’re gone, and we can make this transition as smooth as possible for the rest of the team. So, as odd as it may sound, our process is just our way of saying, "We care about your next chapter as much as the one you had with us!" 

Our Employee Resignation Policy

How Should I Give Notice?

So, you're gearing up to take the next step in your journey, and you're thinking about the best time to let us know. We totally get it! 

When you’re ready to provide notice, reach out to your immediate manager. Let them know what’s happening. 

Once you’ve confirmed your notice and the timeframe for your last day, you’ll need to prepare a resignation letter as our HR team requires written confirmation of an employee resignation. Include your reason for leaving, as well as your end date.

For most team members, we ask for two weeks notice. It gives everyone enough time to wrap things up, transfer knowledge, and maybe even sneak in a farewell cake or two. 

For our management heroes, we’d like to receive notice three to four weeks before your end date. Being in a manager role means there's a bit more to hand over, ensuring the ship sails smoothly in your absence.

And we understand that life sometimes throws curveballs and a longer notice might not always be feasible. If that's the case, just keep us in the loop and give us as much heads up as you can. Whatever the timeline, we'll work together to make things work. Here's to new beginnings and seamless transitions!

Two-week Notice Itinerary for Most Employees

There’s a lot that needs to happen during those final two weeks, but we’ve found a schedule that makes that transition as smooth as possible! Here’s what your final two weeks will look like at the company:

Week 1: Setting the Stage for Farewell

  • Taking stock of tasks: Begin by listing your current projects, both the ones you're about to wrap up and those still in progress. This will help in ensuring a seamless handover.
  • Updating Trainual: Spend these days diving into Trainual. Update processes, responsibilities, and any essential details that'll guide your successor or team in your absence. 
  • Initial project handover meeting: Initiate conversations with relevant team members about ongoing projects. Give them a heads up about where things stand and what needs to be addressed.

Week 2: The Grand Finale

  • Wrap-up pending tasks: Aim to conclude or reach a logical pause point for any projects you've been involved with. This way, the baton pass feels more like a relay race and less like a hot potato toss.
  • In-depth transition meeting: Sit down with your colleagues to discuss finer points of any ongoing projects. This is the nitty-gritty stuff, ensuring everyone's on the same page and confident about taking things forward.
  • Exit interview: Have a heart-to-heart with your manager or supervisor. Discuss your experience, any parting feedback, and perhaps a few fond memories. Remember, it's not goodbye, it's 'see you later!'
  • Final farewells: Spend these days connecting with your team, sharing a laugh, and perhaps grabbing that last team lunch or coffee.
  • Return your gear: On this day, make sure to return your laptop and any other company-owned equipment. It's a tad like returning a library book, just with more memories attached.

Extended Notice Itinerary for Managers

Along with your personal responsibilities, managers usually have a few more things on their plate — and that means we need a bit of extra time to make your transition as easy as possible. Here’s what your final few weeks will look like: 

Week 1: The Managerial Overview

  • Inventory of responsibilities: Dedicate the first few days to compiling a comprehensive list of your managerial duties, team dynamics, and key performance indicators. This should give anyone stepping in a holistic view of what your role entails and how your team is performing.
  • Updating Trainual: Dive deep into Trainual. Beyond the tasks, emphasize leadership strategies, team strengths and areas of development, and any managerial protocols you've put in place. Your managerial wisdom deserves a spotlight!
  • Initiate handover conversations: Begin discussing ongoing projects and strategies with relevant team leaders and members. This allows for a smoother transition in the coming weeks.

Week 2: Transition Tactics

  • Managerial transition meeting: Arrange for a sit-down with potential interim managers or your successor. The aim is to ensure a continued strategic vision and to maintain team morale during the transition.
  • Wrap-up of strategic projects: Aim to finalize or at least consolidate strategic initiatives, ensuring that your team or successor has a clear roadmap ahead.
  • In-depth handover sessions: Now's the time to dive into the nitty-gritty. Discuss the details of ongoing projects, strategic goals, and any anticipated challenges or milestones. This should be a collaborative process with team leads.

Week 3: Farewell and Fortify

  • Feedback Sessions: Organize feedback loops with team members. Understanding their current concerns and aspirations will provide invaluable insights to those taking the reins.
  • Exit interview: Sit down with senior management. This is the time to share your overall experience, insights about team dynamics, and recommendations for the future.
  • Team huddle: Bring your team together, acknowledge their achievements, and reassure them about the road ahead. Your words of encouragement can set a positive tone for the future.
  • Finalize handovers: Ensure all ongoing duties have found a new caretaker, and all necessary documents or strategies are accessible to the team.
  • Return of equipment and final goodbyes: Hand back your laptop and any company assets. As you step out, take a moment to reminisce, knowing you've set a solid foundation for the next chapter.

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