Employee Probationary Period Policy Template

Sometimes employee-company relationships just aren’t a good fit. Our probationary period lets you (and us) consider if working together is the best decision for everyone.


*Disclaimer from Trainual

Please note that this template is not a legal document. And its information is for general knowledge and educational purposes only — not to provide advice on how to structure your organization's processes and/or policies. Meaning, this template should never be taken in place of legal advice. 

To use, you will need to customize this template to meet all your company's requirements. So, please update it with any and all relevant information before rolling it out (like deleting this step)!

What Is a Probationary Period?

A probationary period is a set amount of time for an employee to consider if working for us is a good fit for them. We also use this time to evaluate the employee’s performance to see if it will continue to be a good fit for us in the future.

During this time, you will be given feedback and help to learn the new job and get comfortable in the position. Ask as many questions as you can during this time! 

Once your probationary period has ended (or even before then), your manager will set a meeting to discuss how you are fitting in with your work, your team, and the company in general. 

Here are the specific criteria that our managers will use on these evaluations:

  • Your ability, capability, and knowledge about the job.
  • How you complete assignments (on time/the correct way).
  • Your personality/behavior (how you mesh with the company’s culture).
  • How you work with others, fellow team members, managers, and any employees you oversee.

The above criteria will be applied fairly and consistently to each of our new hires. Your progress will be documented by your manager, and the decision to keep you onboard is ultimately up to them.

Why We Have a Probationary Period Policy

We have a documented policy for the probationary period to establish clear expectations and guidelines for various scenarios involving our employees. This policy applies to new hires, employees seeking promotion or transferring to new positions, and those facing potential disciplinary action. 

The probationary period serves as a critical time for evaluation and adjustment, allowing both the company and the employee to assess suitability for the role. For new hires, it's a phase to adapt to our culture and job requirements. In promotions or transfers, it ensures a smooth transition and fit. Lastly, for disciplinary cases, it provides an opportunity for improvement and reassessment. 

The probationary period policy is designed to provide a consistent framework for managing various employment circumstances within the company. It guarantees that all employees, regardless of their position or situation, are treated with equal fairness and given a clear understanding of what is expected of them. 

By maintaining transparency in our processes and providing structured support, such as regular feedback and guidance, we ensure that every employee has the opportunity to succeed and grow within our organization, thereby fostering a positive and productive work environment.

Who Can Get Put On Probation?

A probationary period is used for several reasons and not every employee will have one. Here are some examples of when a probationary period may be used: 

  • New employees who have officially been hired after completing the hiring process (for a permanent position).
  • If you are up for a promotion.
  • If disciplinary actions require it.

How Long Is the Probation Period?

The length of your probationary period will differ depending on if you are a new hire or are up for a promotion. However, it will not last longer than local laws permit. The duration will be detailed in your employment contract.

Your probationary period may be extended — should this happen, the reasons will be fair and will be clearly communicated to you. You will be given a formal notice explaining the reasoning and a clear outline of our expectations.

Our Employee Probation Policy

Probation for New Hires

We do our best to find employees who will work hard and fit into our company culture, but sometimes things just don’t work out. This is why our probationary period is so valuable! And it’s as much for you as it is for us — we might not be the right fit for you either.

A typical probationary period for new hires at our company usually spans 3-6 months. During this time, new employees are given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, adapt to our company culture, and understand the expectations of their role. This period is crucial for assessing your performance, work ethic, and overall fit within the team and organization.

Throughout the probation, regular feedback sessions are conducted by your manager to provide guidance and address any areas for improvement. This open line of communication ensures that you receive the support you need to succeed. 

At the end of the probationary period, a final evaluation is conducted to decide if you will be confirmed in your role, need extended probation, or in rare cases, be let go. This process is designed to be fair and comprehensive, ensuring we both make informed decisions about your continued employment.

Once you have completed your probationary period and we have established this is a good fit for all of us, you will be given a permanent position. Congrats!

Probation for Promotions or New Positions

Another reason for a probationary period is if you are promoted or transferred to a new position. This is so everyone is sure of the change! You can learn the new job and make sure it’s something you still want to do, while we do the same.

This period, typically lasting 4-5 months, allows you to demonstrate your capabilities and adapt to the new role's responsibilities and challenges. It's an essential phase for both you and the company to assess compatibility with the new position, ensuring a smooth transition.

During this probation, performance is closely monitored, with regular feedback provided to support your development and adjustment. The goal is to ensure you can effectively meet the demands of the new role. At the end of this period, an evaluation determines the suitability for permanent placement in the position, ensuring the decision is mutually beneficial and aligns with the company's goals and your career aspirations.

If it doesn’t work out, you will be moved to your old position or may not receive the promotion. We can also work out another option should none of these work for you. Your new job is not always guaranteed, especially if you have a rough probationary period.

Probation for Disciplinary Action

While we hope this never happens (it won’t, right?), we do use probation as a disciplinary action when policies have been violated.

The length of a disciplinary probation will depend on the seriousness of the violation. For example, a bad performance review might result in a shorter probationary period than say, a breach of our Code of Conduct.

The probationary period is for you to adjust and improve your behavior. If you don’t, you will face more serious consequences — up to termination. We will help you as much as we can, giving you feedback, training, and guidance. You are expected to accept this help and work towards getting better.

Termination During a Probationary Period

Suppose you are not meshing with the rest of the group or something major happens to show that you won’t do your best with us. In that case, we may let you go before your probationary period ends. 

This is for serious incidents that made it clear that it wasn’t a good fit. Should this happen, you may not receive a formal warning (per local laws).

You will only be let go before your probationary period ends if it’s a really bad fit. If your work is not up to our standard, we will provide coaching and support to help you improve. However, if improvement is not seen, or if behavior continues to be inconsistent with any of our company’s policies, you can be let go.

Should this happen, you will be given a formal, written notice of your termination. This notice will clearly state why we decided to go in a different direction. It will also tell you the date that your employment with us will end.

Even if you complete your full probationary period, we may still decide to go another route. If this is the case, we will follow all local laws about probationary periods. We will also follow all legal guidelines and our own separation of employment policy.


Have Questions?

Our probationary period policy is a vital tool for determining the right fit, whether for new hires, internal promotions, or role changes. It's designed to support both the employee and the company in making informed decisions about employment and roles. This policy reflects our commitment to fair and effective management practices. 

For any questions or further information regarding the probationary period policy, please reach out to our Human Resources department. They are available to provide guidance and clarity on the policy and its implications for individual employment situations.

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