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Social Media Management Process Template

Use this template to outline the processes for your company's social media accounts.

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Social Media Management Process Template

Use this template to outline the processes for your company's social media accounts.


Why We Use Instagram

Instagram is a valuable platform for sharing visual content, engaging with followers, and promoting our brand. By following this procedure, we can ensure that our Instagram posts are on-brand, engaging, and consistent with our content strategy.

Posting From Our Instagram Account

This standard operating procedure (SOP) outlines the steps for posting on our business's Instagram account:

  1. Review our content strategy and social media guidelines to determine the goals and objectives of the Instagram account, as well as the tone of voice, style, and frequency of posts.
  2. Identify the target audience for the account, considering factors such as demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  3. Develop a content calendar for the Instagram account, including the topics, themes, and formats of the posts, as well as the dates and times of publication.
  4. Create or source the visual content for the Instagram posts, such as images, videos, or graphics. Follow the organization's brand guidelines for style, tone, and composition.
  5. Write the captions for the Instagram posts, following the brand guidelines for tone of voice, language, and grammar.
  6. Use appropriate hashtags and tags in the captions, to increase the visibility and reach of the posts.
  7. Schedule the Instagram posts to be published on the appropriate dates and times, using the Instagram platform or a third-party tool.
  8. Monitor the performance of the Instagram posts, including metrics such as likes, comments, and engagement.
  9. Respond to comments and messages on the Instagram account in a timely and professional manner, following the brand guidelines for tone of voice and language.
  10. Review and update the content calendar and strategy on a regular basis to ensure its continued effectiveness.

Following this SOP will enable us to successfully post on the organization's Instagram account. By sharing engaging and on-brand visual content and engaging with followers, we can achieve our goals and reach our target audience effectively.

Responding to Comments

All employees are expected to adhere to this policy when responding to comments on the account.

Guidelines For Responding To Comments:

  • Employees should respond to comments in a polite, professional, and timely manner.
  • Use a tone that is friendly, helpful and respectful.
  • Avoid using profanity or offensive language.
  • Do not engage in arguments or negative exchanges with followers.
  • Be honest and transparent with our followers.

Timeframe For Responding:

All comments should be responded to within 24 hours.

Responding To Negative Comments:

  • Respond to complaints or criticism in a professional and empathetic manner.
  • Thank the commenter for their feedback and do your best to address their concern.
  • Offer assistance or a solution to the problem if possible.

Escalation Process:

If an employee is unable to handle a comment or issue, it should be escalated to the next level of management for further assistance.

Community Guidelines:

Employees should be familiar with Instagram community guidelines and adhere to them.


Employees should report any comments that are inappropriate or violate the community guidelines to management.

By e-signing, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to follow all of the guidelines outlined in this policy.


Who are LinkedIn Influencers?

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows individuals and organizations to connect, share content, and build their professional brand.

LinkedIn Influencers are individuals who have established themselves as thought leaders and experts in their fields and who have a significant following on LinkedIn.

Increase Your LinkedIn Expertise

First, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the LinkedIn platform. Here are some tips to help you become an expert on LinkedIn.

  1. Create a professional profile: Be sure to include a clear and professional profile picture, a well-written summary, and a detailed work history.
  2. Use relevant keywords: Include relevant keywords in your profile and in your posts to make it easier for people to find you when searching for specific topics.
  3. Share valuable content: Share articles, videos, and other content that is relevant to your industry and that adds value to your followers.
  4. Participate in relevant groups: Join and actively participate in groups related to your industry or areas of expertise. This will help you connect with like-minded professionals and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  5. Network with other professionals: Use LinkedIn to connect with other professionals in your industry and build relationships with them. This can help you expand your network and increase your visibility.

By following these tips, you can establish yourself as an expert on LinkedIn and have a foundation for building a strong professional presence on the platform.

How to Become a LinkedIn Influencer

If you are interested in becoming a LinkedIn Influencer, there are several steps you can take to establish yourself as an expert and grow your following on the platform.

  1. Identify your area of expertise and focus on creating high-quality, relevant content in that area. This may include blog posts, articles, videos, or other types of content that showcase your knowledge and expertise.
  2. Share your content on LinkedIn and engage with your network by commenting on and sharing other people's posts, joining relevant groups, and participating in discussions. This will help to build your visibility and reputation on the platform.
  3. Connect with other influencers and experts in your field and collaborate with them on content and projects. This will help to expand your network and increase your exposure to new audiences.
  4. Monitor your analytics and track your engagement metrics to understand what types of content and activities are most effective in growing your following. Use this information to refine and improve your content strategy.
  5. Continuously learn and develop your expertise. Stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in your field, and seek out opportunities to share your knowledge and expertise with others.

By following these steps, you can establish yourself as a LinkedIn Influencer and grow your following on the platform.


About Facebook Ads

We invest in advertising on Facebook because the platform offers a large, engaged audience and a range of targeting and ad formats that can help us reach our desired audience and achieve their advertising goals.

Facebook and Instagram also offer sophisticated tracking and measurement tools that can help businesses understand the performance of their ads and make data-driven decisions about how to improve.

Creating a Facebook Ads Account

To create a Facebook Ads account, you will first need to have a personal Facebook account. If you do not already have one, you can create one by going to the Facebook website and following the prompts to sign up for an account.

Once you have a personal Facebook account, you can create a Facebook ads account by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook Ads Manager website.
  2. Click on the "Create" button in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Choose the account type you want to create: "Business Manager account" or "Ad account."
  4. Fill out the required information, including the business name, email address, and country.
  5. If you selected "Business Manager account" in step 3, you will also be prompted to create a new Facebook page or select an existing one to connect to your ad account.
  6. Read and accept the terms and conditions, and click "Submit."
  7. You will then be prompted to add a payment method for your account. You will need to add a valid credit card or link a PayPal account to your account in order to start creating ads.

Once you have completed these steps, your Facebook Ads account will be created and you can start creating and managing ads for the business on the Facebook platform.

Please note that Facebook advertising policies and regulations change frequently. Please double-check with Facebook advertising policies and guidelines before creating your ads.

How to Run a Facebook Ad

Here's how to run your Facebook Ad:

  1. Set up ad campaigns on the platform. This may involve creating ad groups, defining targeting criteria, and setting budgets and bids for each campaign.
  2. Develop the ad creative for the campaigns. This may involve creating images, videos, or other creative assets that are designed to capture the attention of the target audience and align with the objectives of the campaign.
  3. Choose the ad placements for the campaigns. This may involve selecting specific placements on Facebook and Instagram, such as the news feed, stories, or right column, based on the target audience and the objectives of the campaign.
  4. Once the ad campaigns have been set up and the ad creative and placements have been chosen, the next step is to launch the campaigns. This can be done by clicking the "Launch" button in the Facebook Ads Manager and selecting the campaigns to launch.
  5. Monitor and optimize the campaigns regularly to ensure that they are performing as expected. This may involve analyzing performance data, testing different ad creative and targeting options, and making adjustments to the campaigns as needed to improve performance.


Why We Use Threads

Threads is a spin-off app from Instagram that focuses on real-time conversations with our customers and community. The platform looks a lot like Twitter, with a feed of largely text-based posts, although we often post graphics to support our text. By following this procedure, we can ensure that our Threads posts are on-brand, engaging, and consistent with our content strategy.

Posting From Our Threads Account

This standard operating procedure (SOP) outlines the steps for posting on our business's Thread account:

  1. Review our content strategy and social media guidelines to determine the goals and objectives of the Thread account, as well as the tone of voice, style, and frequency of posts.
  2. Review our social media calendar to align with any important topics or themes for the week. 
  3. Write Threads posts following the brand guidelines for tone of voice, language, and grammar. Threads is punchy, witty and genuine. 
  4. Threads is a conversational platform. So plan to stick around and offer additional context and candor. Respond to comments and messages on the Thread’s account in a timely and professional manner, following the brand guidelines for tone of voice and language.
  5. Keep an eye out for coming enhancements: Instagram has stated that it plans to introduce additional features to Threads, such as enhanced feed suggestions and a more robust search function. Set a reminder to review these enhancements each week.

Following this SOP will enable us to successfully post on the organization's new Threads account. By sharing engaging and on-brand visual content and engaging with followers, we can continue to expand our reach into new and exciting platforms.

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