Our Company's Personal Branding Guide Template

Learn why our company supports employee personal brands and how members of our team can starting building their own online audience.

This policy was created in partnership with 🥇 Top LinkedIn Influencer and Founder of Verbatim, Brianna Doe.


Why We Encourage Personal Brands 

We believe that nurturing internal creators and encouraging personal brands among our employees is a game-changing marketing strategy that benefits both our team members and our company. Think about your favorite LinkedIn content creators: Have you ever wondered what companies they represent? By empowering our employees to develop their personal brands, we indirectly amplify our brand's visibility and credibility. People connect with people, and this connection transcends industry boundaries. 

Strong personal brands serve as powerful magnets for top talent and high-performing individuals. In today's digital age, companies that foster personal brands distinguish themselves as desirable employers, particularly for those who are passionate about thought leadership, content creation, and professional growth. 

When you need a specific product or service, you probably look to people you trust for their opinions — like those LinkedIn creators you admire. Because you know they’ll give you the best recommendations for what you need. By encouraging our employees to build personal brands, participate in industry events, and engage in thought leadership, we open doors to new business opportunities and sales, making our company a beacon of innovation and expertise in the eyes of our audience.

Moreover, personal branding allows our employees to establish themselves as industry experts and leaders. This not only positions the company as an industry leader by proxy, but also enhances our brand's reach and influence. We recognize that “social selling” isn't confined to a brand's social media channels — it encompasses the active involvement of our employees. Sales representatives and team members who are encouraged to build personal brands, both online and offline, are empowered to nurture lasting relationships with potential clients, ultimately driving our sales efforts.

By affording our employees the autonomy to shape their personal brands and careers, we demonstrate our commitment to their well-being, desire for engagement, and sense of belonging within the company. At our company, we believe that encouraging personal brands isn't just about individual empowerment. It's a vital aspect of our company culture that promotes growth, innovation, and more opportunity for all of us.

Benefits for the Company and Employee

For our company, the benefits are clear. Firstly, nurturing personal brands directly contributes to increased brand awareness and recognition. Your personal brand serves as an ambassador for our company, enhancing our visibility and reputation in the market. This heightened recognition positions us as a trusted and credible choice for our customers and partners.

Furthermore, personal branding plays a pivotal role in our sales efforts. The trust and relationships you've cultivated through your personal brands can be harnessed to drive sales, benefiting our organization and further reinforcing our image as a reliable industry player.

Now, let's shift the focus to you, a valued employee. Building a personal brand not only safeguards your professional future, but also amplifies your career prospects (though we hope you’ll stick with us for years to come).

Your personal brand enables you to establish credibility and trust, making it easier to build on your career aspirations and achieve professional growth. By standing out in a competitive professional landscape, you become a sought-after talent in the job market, expanding your network and attracting valuable partnerships and collaborations that can lead to career-defining opportunities. (Think guest speaking, side projects, and invite-only events.)

Even if you don't consider yourself a content creator or have an active online presence, you already possess a personal brand in the eyes of your professional network. Taking control of your brand empowers you to shape your own narrative, ensuring that you attract opportunities that align with your aspirations and career goals. At our company, we wholeheartedly support your personal brand journey, recognizing that the synergy between your individual growth and our company's success creates a brighter and more secure future for all.

How To Start a Personal Brand

Building a Personal Brand

Building a personal brand is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and growth, not a single destination you reach. It involves continuous reflection around your passions, knowledge, and purpose to shape an authentic narrative.

As you create content and put yourself out there, you'll likely gain meaningful insights about your interests, values, and goals. The process of articulating ideas often brings underlying motivations and beliefs to the surface. You may find certain topics resonate more than others or that you gravitate toward specific formats. Use these learnings to refine your brand pillars and fuel your curiosity in new directions.

See failures and setbacks as data, not defeats. Reflect on why something didn't land as you hoped and make thoughtful tweaks. Missteps are part of the learning curve. Also, solicit honest feedback from those you trust. Their perspectives can reveal blindspots to work on or highlight strengths to amplify.

Approach it as a journey to discovering who you are, what you care about, and the value you offer. Allow your brand to evolve as you do. The most powerful brands are rooted in self-knowledge and authenticity. The path itself enables that self-realization.

How To Build Your Brand

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create a strong personal brand that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Define Your Goals:

Start by setting clear, achievable goals for your personal brand. These goals can evolve over time, but having a direction is crucial. Consider objectives like:

  • Building an audience or community.
  • Securing speaking opportunities.
  • Enhancing your public image.
  • Expanding your industry network.
  • Professional development.
  • Improving skills (e.g., writing, content creation).
  • Pursuing a new job or career path.

Start Engaging:

Engage with content creators whose work you genuinely enjoy and admire. Identify 5-10 creators whose content resonates with you for various reasons, such as formatting, content topics, or the inspiration they provide. Begin actively engaging with their content, leaving thoughtful comments and building connections.

Define Your Content Pillars:

Determine your content pillars to guide your content creation. These pillars should reflect your interests and what you enjoy writing about. Remember, you don't have to be an expert to start creating content. You can write about topics you're learning about, experiences at work, or anything that genuinely fascinates you.

Commit to a Realistic Posting Cadence:

Establish a posting schedule that you can realistically maintain. Consistency is key to building your personal brand. Start with a posting frequency that feels comfortable to you, whether it's twice a week, three times a week, or another cadence. The focus should be on building a system and committing to it.

Keep Engaging Online:

Don't simply post content and disappear. Keep engaging with your audience, respond to comments, and continue looking for new people to connect and engage with. Networking and engagement are just as important as the content you create.

Iterate and Keep Going:

Personal branding is an ongoing process of continuous improvement. Continuously assess what you like and don't like about your current systems and content. Make adjustments as needed to align with your evolving goals and audience feedback. Stay open to trying new content formats and topics, such as posting videos or starting a regular LinkedIn newsletter. The key is to remain adaptable and persistent on your personal brand journey.

Building a personal brand takes time and dedication, but with clear goals, consistent effort, and a willingness to adapt, you can create a strong and influential personal brand that aligns with your unique passions and ambitions. Remember that personal branding is a reflection of your authentic self, so let your passion and authenticity shine through in everything you do.

Building and Nurturing an Audience

Creating and growing an engaged audience is a gradual process, and it hinges on a few key principles. First and foremost, consistency is paramount. It's not about overwhelming yourself with daily posts or endless hours of online engagement. Instead, discover what's feasible for you and commit to it. Consistency builds trust with your audience and reinforces your personal brand. Whether you post twice a week or engage for an hour each day, the key is to be reliable and dedicated in your approach.

To build and nurture your audience effectively, it's crucial to determine what you want to be known for. Identify your niche or area of expertise and focus your content and interactions around that theme. Emphasize continuous learning, personal growth, and engagement with new people and fellow creators who share your interests. Your journey to becoming known for something is driven by your commitment to self-improvement and networking with like-minded individuals.

Remember that personal branding extends beyond the social media realm. Networking face-to-face remains an essential component of audience building. Schedule Zoom coffee chats, say yes to an event invite here and there, meet new people, and seek out opportunities to connect with others who share your passion. Building and nurturing an audience is an ongoing journey that blends consistency, personal growth, and genuine connections to create a thriving and vibrant community around your personal brand.

Your Brand and Our Company

Setting the Personal Brand Example as a Leader

Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the culture of an organization and can significantly influence their team's engagement in personal branding.
Here's how leaders can set a personal branding example for their teams:

Lead by Doing: One of the most effective ways for leaders to encourage personal branding within their teams is to lead by example. Show your team how to build a personal brand by doing it yourself. Engage in content creation, share your insights, and establish a strong online presence. When your team witnesses you actively participating in personal branding, they are more likely to follow suit.

Support and Encourage: Engage with your team members' personal branding efforts and provide encouragement and support. Cheer them on by actively participating in their content, sharing their achievements, and offering constructive feedback. Creating a positive and nurturing environment for their personal branding endeavors can boost their confidence and motivation.

Provide a Safe Space: Foster an inclusive and supportive environment where team members feel comfortable pursuing personal branding outside of work. Encourage them to share their thoughts, ideas, and content, and assure them that their personal brand development is welcomed and respected. Setting a safe space for their creative expressions is vital for their growth.

Clarify Rules and Regulations: Leaders should make rules and regulations concerning personal branding and social media clear and easily understandable for their team. If there are specific guidelines around brand partnerships and collaborations, ensure they are well-defined. Transparency and clarity in these aspects help team members navigate the personal branding landscape confidently.

Empower and Invest: Leaders can empower their teams by providing resources for personal brand development. Consider organizing personal branding workshops or allocating a budget for learning and development events and workshops. These initiatives can equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in personal branding, reinforcing their growth and the organization's collective success.

By leading through example, offering support, and providing a conducive environment, leaders can inspire their teams to explore personal branding with confidence and enthusiasm. This not only contributes to the individual growth of team members but also strengthens the organization's brand and culture, creating a win-win situation for all involved.

Rules for Personal Brand Building

To make personal brand development a sustainable endeavor alongside full-time employment, we've established some guidelines:

  1. We encourage you to build your personal brand around you as an individual, not just as an employee of our company. 
  2. Determine how much time you can dedicate to your personal brand without sacrificing the quality of your work and contributions to the team. This may vary based on business needs throughout the year. 
  3. As a reflection of the company brand, refrain from making statements that could be damaging or distasteful, and be mindful when sharing information that could be deemed confidential. If you aren’t sure, just ask. 
  4. When participating in external events related to your personal brand, be sure to give your manager a heads up to ensure proper coverage.
  5. If monetizing your personal brand through sponsorships or brand partnerships, disclose details to your manager to ensure no conflicts of interest.

Be mindful of maintaining work-life balance. Personal brand building should energize you, not become an overwhelming extra obligation.

By following these rules, you can develop your personal brand smoothly while upholding your responsibilities as an employee of our company. Our goal is to provide a framework for you to thrive in both areas through open communication and conscious prioritization.

Balancing a Personal Brand with a Full-Time Job

Balancing the development of your personal brand alongside the demands of a full-time job can be a rewarding endeavor, provided it's approached with thoughtful strategies. It's important to remember that your full-time job should take precedence, as it is an agreed-upon commitment with the company. While you may have future aspirations to explore new directions, it's crucial to prioritize your current role and fulfill your responsibilities effectively.

Consistency plays a vital role in managing both aspects of your professional life. Once you've established a routine for when you'll create and engage with personal brand content, make a commitment to stick to it. This approach ensures that you won't feel the need to engage online during working hours (beyond your 30-minute allowance) and allows you to maintain a balance that works for you.

It's important to keep your personal brand centered around you, rather than making it primarily about our company. While you can certainly share insights related to your job or employer, your personal brand should reflect your unique experiences, knowledge, and interests. Your personal brand is an avenue for personal growth and self-expression, so make sure it remains a personal reflection of your identity.

Balancing your personal brand with a full-time job can be achieved successfully by recognizing your priorities, staying consistent, focusing on personal growth, and respecting these guidelines.

At our company, we believe nurturing personal brands creates a win-win culture that supports both individual growth and collective success. By providing a safe, encouraging space for employees to develop their brands alongside their full-time roles, we empower our team with invaluable skills while amplifying our brand's visibility. Though balancing these priorities takes dedication, our strategies ensure employees can thrive both professionally and personally. Ultimately, our personal branding philosophy is an investment in our people that yields rewards for all.

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