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Why This Property Maintenance Business Uses Trainual to Establish Processes and Organization

August 14, 2024

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Since 2016, Hub Property Care, a residential property maintenance business, has been serving high-end properties in West London. But as they have scaled their operations and expanded, they faced the challenge of maintaining consistent processes and training across their workforce. 

With 22 employees and a similar number of subcontractors, the company needed a scalable solution to standardize their operations and support ongoing employee development. Their leadership team recognized the need for a more robust training management system that could keep pace with their growth. 

And that’s when they found Trainual.

“It's one of those things which 20 years ago in my past corporate life, I wish I had tools like Trainual. Or put another way, it's fantastic that for a relatively small business, we can have access to software which you would have spent millions on 10, 15 years ago.”
<blockquoteauthor>Tony Harris, Executive Director at Hub Property Care<blockquoteauthor>

A documentation platform for an adaptable employee handbook

Hub Property Care's journey with Trainual began with a specific need: creating a mobile-accessible employee handbook. Tony Harris, Hub Property Care’s Executive Director, explained, "We didn't just want to do it as an electronic file or even worse, a paper copy. I was looking for something that would give us a mobile portal access to our employee handbook."

This need was particularly crucial given the nature of their business. With the majority of their workforce consisting of skilled technicians and engineers working remotely in clients' properties, having a mobile-friendly platform was essential.

Trainual not only met this initial requirement, but also aligned perfectly with the company's adoption of Michael E. Gerber’s E-Myth methodology. Tony and his partners had been working to transition from working in the business to working on the business, following Gerber's principles.

"We'd been attempting to follow that methodology within the company," Tony shared. "And as I started to dig into Trainual and what it could do, I realized it's exactly the right piece of software to follow the E-Myth methodology."

Trainual's structure allowed Hub Property Care to define roles, set results for employees, and document processes in a way that complemented their existing efforts to systematize their business. This unexpected alignment transformed Trainual from a simple handbook solution into a comprehensive platform for organizing and scaling their operations.

“[Trainual has] become potentially the backbone of everything that we do.”

An employee training program for consistent processes and operations

Hub Property Care has leveraged Trainual to create innovative training programs that ensure consistency across their operations. One notable example is their "Top 10 Tips" initiative, focusing on their field service management system.

Click "Next" 👆 to see how Hub Property Care uses Trainual. Want a closer look? Click to explore the training in a new window.

"Every Monday afternoon, we would publish the tip of the week on Trainual," Tony explained. "It would be a short bite-sized training or subject that people could study in three to five minutes maximum."

This approach allowed the company to focus on key operational elements in a digestible format, culminating in a quiz after ten weeks. The program not only improved specific skills but also increased engagement with the Trainual platform itself.

"It was a good way to actually improve awareness of Trainual within the organization,” Tony noted. “Because it was a repetition every week of this stuff coming out, and it's only coming out on Trainual."

This creative use of Trainual demonstrates how the Hub Property Care team adapted the platform to suit their specific needs — promoting continuous learning and improvement in a format that works for their remote workforce. By combining short, focused lessons with quizzes and incentives, Hub Property Care had found an effective way to maintain high standards across their team.

A centralized knowledge database easily accessible by mobile

The platform also serves as a comprehensive knowledge base, from company procedures to client-facing materials. "We use it as a repository of information. And that's a useful thing to just share with everybody within our business on Trainual," Tony said.

And for Hub Property Care, Trainual's mobile accessibility has been a game-changer. With so much of their team working remotely, having a centralized, mobile-friendly knowledge base is crucial.

"Having an application that enables us to share information with them on a mobile basis at a point in time that suits them... that's been important," Tony emphasized. This flexibility allows employees to access information when it's most convenient for them, addressing the challenge of bringing remote workers together for physical meetings.

This centralized approach ensures that all team members, regardless of their location, have access to the same up-to-date information. It's particularly valuable for new hires, who can easily access all the information they need to get up-to-speed with company processes and standards, promoting consistency across their operations.

“We’re planning for the future as we grow the business without having to recreate stuff every time a new person comes on board. It's very easy to assign and roll out the same modules or elements of training or the same procedures or the same information.”

Trainual has proven to be a transformative tool for Hub Property Care, evolving from a simple solution for a mobile employee handbook to a comprehensive platform for documentation, training, and operational consistency. As the company continues to grow, Trainual provides the scalable infrastructure needed to maintain quality service across their expanding team. 

By leveraging Trainual's mobile accessibility, centralized knowledge management, and flexible training capabilities, Hub Property Care has positioned itself for sustainable growth while ensuring that every team member, regardless of location, has the tools and knowledge they need to uphold the company's high standards of service.

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Customer Story

Why This Property Maintenance Business Uses Trainual to Establish Processes and Organization

August 14, 2024

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Since 2016, Hub Property Care, a residential property maintenance business, has been serving high-end properties in West London. But as they have scaled their operations and expanded, they faced the challenge of maintaining consistent processes and training across their workforce. 

With 22 employees and a similar number of subcontractors, the company needed a scalable solution to standardize their operations and support ongoing employee development. Their leadership team recognized the need for a more robust training management system that could keep pace with their growth. 

And that’s when they found Trainual.

“It's one of those things which 20 years ago in my past corporate life, I wish I had tools like Trainual. Or put another way, it's fantastic that for a relatively small business, we can have access to software which you would have spent millions on 10, 15 years ago.”
<blockquoteauthor>Tony Harris, Executive Director at Hub Property Care<blockquoteauthor>

A documentation platform for an adaptable employee handbook

Hub Property Care's journey with Trainual began with a specific need: creating a mobile-accessible employee handbook. Tony Harris, Hub Property Care’s Executive Director, explained, "We didn't just want to do it as an electronic file or even worse, a paper copy. I was looking for something that would give us a mobile portal access to our employee handbook."

This need was particularly crucial given the nature of their business. With the majority of their workforce consisting of skilled technicians and engineers working remotely in clients' properties, having a mobile-friendly platform was essential.

Trainual not only met this initial requirement, but also aligned perfectly with the company's adoption of Michael E. Gerber’s E-Myth methodology. Tony and his partners had been working to transition from working in the business to working on the business, following Gerber's principles.

"We'd been attempting to follow that methodology within the company," Tony shared. "And as I started to dig into Trainual and what it could do, I realized it's exactly the right piece of software to follow the E-Myth methodology."

Trainual's structure allowed Hub Property Care to define roles, set results for employees, and document processes in a way that complemented their existing efforts to systematize their business. This unexpected alignment transformed Trainual from a simple handbook solution into a comprehensive platform for organizing and scaling their operations.

“[Trainual has] become potentially the backbone of everything that we do.”

An employee training program for consistent processes and operations

Hub Property Care has leveraged Trainual to create innovative training programs that ensure consistency across their operations. One notable example is their "Top 10 Tips" initiative, focusing on their field service management system.

Click "Next" 👆 to see how Hub Property Care uses Trainual. Want a closer look? Click to explore the training in a new window.

"Every Monday afternoon, we would publish the tip of the week on Trainual," Tony explained. "It would be a short bite-sized training or subject that people could study in three to five minutes maximum."

This approach allowed the company to focus on key operational elements in a digestible format, culminating in a quiz after ten weeks. The program not only improved specific skills but also increased engagement with the Trainual platform itself.

"It was a good way to actually improve awareness of Trainual within the organization,” Tony noted. “Because it was a repetition every week of this stuff coming out, and it's only coming out on Trainual."

This creative use of Trainual demonstrates how the Hub Property Care team adapted the platform to suit their specific needs — promoting continuous learning and improvement in a format that works for their remote workforce. By combining short, focused lessons with quizzes and incentives, Hub Property Care had found an effective way to maintain high standards across their team.

A centralized knowledge database easily accessible by mobile

The platform also serves as a comprehensive knowledge base, from company procedures to client-facing materials. "We use it as a repository of information. And that's a useful thing to just share with everybody within our business on Trainual," Tony said.

And for Hub Property Care, Trainual's mobile accessibility has been a game-changer. With so much of their team working remotely, having a centralized, mobile-friendly knowledge base is crucial.

"Having an application that enables us to share information with them on a mobile basis at a point in time that suits them... that's been important," Tony emphasized. This flexibility allows employees to access information when it's most convenient for them, addressing the challenge of bringing remote workers together for physical meetings.

This centralized approach ensures that all team members, regardless of their location, have access to the same up-to-date information. It's particularly valuable for new hires, who can easily access all the information they need to get up-to-speed with company processes and standards, promoting consistency across their operations.

“We’re planning for the future as we grow the business without having to recreate stuff every time a new person comes on board. It's very easy to assign and roll out the same modules or elements of training or the same procedures or the same information.”

Trainual has proven to be a transformative tool for Hub Property Care, evolving from a simple solution for a mobile employee handbook to a comprehensive platform for documentation, training, and operational consistency. As the company continues to grow, Trainual provides the scalable infrastructure needed to maintain quality service across their expanding team. 

By leveraging Trainual's mobile accessibility, centralized knowledge management, and flexible training capabilities, Hub Property Care has positioned itself for sustainable growth while ensuring that every team member, regardless of location, has the tools and knowledge they need to uphold the company's high standards of service.

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Customer Story

Why This Property Maintenance Business Uses Trainual to Establish Processes and Organization

August 14, 2024


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