
How to Document Employee Training: A Guide for SMBs

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Are you struggling to document employee training in your small-to-medium-sized business? Don't worry, we've got you covered. We help entrepreneurs, founders, managers, and operational leaders understand how to document employee training processes and policies for maximum success.

Documenting employee training is essential for any business looking to ensure its employees are up-to-date on the latest processes and policies. This guide will provide an overview of the benefits of creating training manuals, how to document training sessions, and tips for creating effective employee training plan templates.

From developing effective training manuals to measuring the impact of your employee training plans, it all starts with developing a comprehensive training document correctly. So let's get started with how to document employee training.

What is an Employee Training Plan?

An employee training plan is a document that outlines the goals, objectives, and strategies for developing your team's skills. It serves as a roadmap to help you create targeted learning experiences that will improve performance and ensure your employees stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends.

At their core, all training plans should include three key elements:

  1. Goals and objectives.
  2. Curricula and methods.
  3. Schedules and milestones.

Goals and objectives are what define success. They provide clarity around why the training is being conducted in the first place.

Curricula and methods outline how those goals will be achieved. What topics will be covered during each session? What activities or exercises can participants expect?

Schedules and milestones provide structure by mapping out when each step of the process should take place so everyone knows what to expect throughout the duration of the training program.

Why Keep Training Records?

Keeping accurate and up-to-date training records is important for a variety of reasons.

First, it helps ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Many industries have specific regulations regarding employee safety and health that require employers to provide employees with appropriate training on job hazards. Training documentation serves as proof that these regulations were met.

Second, training records help employers evaluate the effectiveness of their training programs by providing data about how well employees retain information after being trained. This allows employers to identify areas where more in-depth instruction might be needed or where changes should be made in order to improve overall performance.

Third, keeping track of who has been trained can help prevent unnecessary retraining costs if an employee leaves the company and then returns at a later date. It also provides evidence in case there’s ever an issue related to whether or not someone was adequately trained which could potentially result in liability issues.

Finally, having comprehensive training documentation available makes it easier for new hires to quickly reference what was taught previously instead of starting from scratch.

Employee Training Documentation

Documenting employee training can help businesses stay organized and efficient. It also allows employers to easily track progress, identify areas where additional support may be needed, and ensure that all staff members have access to consistent information about company procedures.

Training documentation also helps create a more cohesive work environment by providing a single resource for everyone in the organization.

How to Document Employee Training

When documenting employee training, it’s important to include detailed instructions on how tasks should be completed as well as any relevant safety guidelines or other pertinent information. Consider including visuals such as diagrams or screenshots in your training plans so that employees can better understand what they need to do without having to search through multiple documents or ask questions repeatedly.

Finally, make sure you keep your employee development plan up-to-date with changes in policy or procedure so that everyone is always working from the same set of rules.

To create effective employee training plans, you must first ensure that your content is clear and concise so that everyone gets it.

Secondly, use simple language rather than jargon that only a few people can relate to.

Finally, break down complex topics into smaller chunks which makes them easier to digest.

Now let's look at how to create effective onboarding and offboarding processes.

Key Takeaway: Documenting employee training is essential for businesses to stay organized and efficient. To create effective documentation, use simple language, break down complex topics into smaller chunks, and include visuals where possible.

Onboarding and Offboarding Processes

Employee onboarding and offboarding processes are essential for any business, no matter the size. When done correctly, these processes can ensure that employees have a smooth transition into their new role or out of it.

Steps for an Effective Onboarding Process

A successful onboarding process should include several steps to help ensure your new employee is set up for success in their role.

These steps could include:

  1. Providing them with information about the company's culture and values.
  2. Introducing them to key stakeholders within the organization.
  3. Assigning mentors or coaches to provide guidance throughout their onboarding period.
  4. Providing access to necessary tools and resources they will need in order to do their job well.

Steps for an Effective Offboarding Process

When an employee leaves your organization, you want to make sure that they have a positive experience during this transition as well.

This includes:

  1. Having clear communication around expectations when leaving the company (such as returning all equipment).
  2. Completing exit interviews so you can learn from what went wrong (or right) during their tenure at your company.
  3. Collecting feedback on how you can improve future onboarding/offboarding experiences from both current and former employees.
  4. Ensuring that all paperwork is completed properly before they depart.

Having a strong employee onboarding and offboarding process is key to creating an effective training process. Now let's explore how to create training manuals.


Developing Training Content for Employee Development

When it comes to developing training plan templates, there are a few key elements that need to be taken into consideration.

First and foremost, you’ll want to decide what types of training materials you’ll need in order to effectively communicate the information your employees need to know. Your training plans could include manuals or handbooks, video tutorials, audio recordings, or interactive quizzes.

Once you have determined the type of employee training plans that will best suit your needs, it is important to make sure they are engaging for your employees. To do this, consider adding visuals and real-world examples. Try incorporating fun activities into the training plans such as role-playing scenarios or team-building exercises.

Developing effective training plans is key to successful employee training programs. But how do you measure success?

Measuring the Impact of Employee Training Programs

A comprehensive training document will include measuring the impact of employee training programs. Knowing how effective your employee training plans are will help you make improvements and ensure that employees are learning what they need to know in order to be successful in their roles.

Here are some metrics, techniques, and strategies to consider when measuring the success of your employee training program.

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as attendance rates, completion rates, knowledge retention levels, and skill development can provide valuable insight into how well a particular training program is working.

You can also track feedback from employees to get an idea of whether or not training sessions were effective.

Surveys are one way to gather feedback on the effectiveness of employee training plans. Ask questions about what topics were covered in detail, which methods worked best, and which areas needed more information. Try holding focus groups with employees who have completed the course to get more detailed insights into their experience.

Once you have gathered data on how well a particular training program went, use this information to create training manuals moving forward. This could include adding more resources or new activities, and providing refresher courses at regular intervals throughout the training course.

Key Takeaway: Measuring the success of employee training activities is essential and can be done by tracking KPIs, gathering feedback through surveys or focus groups, and creating actionable steps for better training courses.

FAQs About How to Document Employee Training

What should be included in the documentation of training?

Training materials usually include the topic, the instructor, the trainees, and the date of the training session. The trainers pass around attendance sheets at the training sessions or keep separate files for each employee.

How do you write a training document?

  1. Define Your Audience.
  2. Plan Your Training Content.
  3. Determine Content Presentation Format.
  4. Develop Your Content.
  5. Assemble and Deliver Your Manual.
  6. Track Feedback and Update Your Manual.

How do you document training effectiveness?

  • Identify Training KPIs.
  • Administer Assessments.
  • Observe Employee Behavior.
  • Track Employee Engagement.
  • Ask for Learner Feedback.


Learning how to document employee training is an essential part of any successful business. Documenting employee training helps to ensure that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively, while also providing a reference point for future employee onboarding and offboarding processes.

By developing effective training materials, measuring the impact of employee training programs, and documenting all aspects of the process, businesses can ensure they are getting the most out of their investment in employee education.

Are you an entrepreneur, founder, manager, or operational leader struggling to document employee training and onboarding experiences? Trainual is here to help. Our innovative platform provides a comprehensive solution for how to document employee training – making it easier than ever before to get your team up to speed with minimal effort.

With our easy-to-use software, you can ensure that all employees are properly trained while streamlining operations and reducing overhead costs. Don't wait any longer! Try out Trainual today and experience firsthand how simple documenting employee training can be.

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How to Document Employee Training: A Guide for SMBs

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Are you struggling to document employee training in your small-to-medium-sized business? Don't worry, we've got you covered. We help entrepreneurs, founders, managers, and operational leaders understand how to document employee training processes and policies for maximum success.

Documenting employee training is essential for any business looking to ensure its employees are up-to-date on the latest processes and policies. This guide will provide an overview of the benefits of creating training manuals, how to document training sessions, and tips for creating effective employee training plan templates.

From developing effective training manuals to measuring the impact of your employee training plans, it all starts with developing a comprehensive training document correctly. So let's get started with how to document employee training.

What is an Employee Training Plan?

An employee training plan is a document that outlines the goals, objectives, and strategies for developing your team's skills. It serves as a roadmap to help you create targeted learning experiences that will improve performance and ensure your employees stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends.

At their core, all training plans should include three key elements:

  1. Goals and objectives.
  2. Curricula and methods.
  3. Schedules and milestones.

Goals and objectives are what define success. They provide clarity around why the training is being conducted in the first place.

Curricula and methods outline how those goals will be achieved. What topics will be covered during each session? What activities or exercises can participants expect?

Schedules and milestones provide structure by mapping out when each step of the process should take place so everyone knows what to expect throughout the duration of the training program.

Why Keep Training Records?

Keeping accurate and up-to-date training records is important for a variety of reasons.

First, it helps ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Many industries have specific regulations regarding employee safety and health that require employers to provide employees with appropriate training on job hazards. Training documentation serves as proof that these regulations were met.

Second, training records help employers evaluate the effectiveness of their training programs by providing data about how well employees retain information after being trained. This allows employers to identify areas where more in-depth instruction might be needed or where changes should be made in order to improve overall performance.

Third, keeping track of who has been trained can help prevent unnecessary retraining costs if an employee leaves the company and then returns at a later date. It also provides evidence in case there’s ever an issue related to whether or not someone was adequately trained which could potentially result in liability issues.

Finally, having comprehensive training documentation available makes it easier for new hires to quickly reference what was taught previously instead of starting from scratch.

Employee Training Documentation

Documenting employee training can help businesses stay organized and efficient. It also allows employers to easily track progress, identify areas where additional support may be needed, and ensure that all staff members have access to consistent information about company procedures.

Training documentation also helps create a more cohesive work environment by providing a single resource for everyone in the organization.

How to Document Employee Training

When documenting employee training, it’s important to include detailed instructions on how tasks should be completed as well as any relevant safety guidelines or other pertinent information. Consider including visuals such as diagrams or screenshots in your training plans so that employees can better understand what they need to do without having to search through multiple documents or ask questions repeatedly.

Finally, make sure you keep your employee development plan up-to-date with changes in policy or procedure so that everyone is always working from the same set of rules.

To create effective employee training plans, you must first ensure that your content is clear and concise so that everyone gets it.

Secondly, use simple language rather than jargon that only a few people can relate to.

Finally, break down complex topics into smaller chunks which makes them easier to digest.

Now let's look at how to create effective onboarding and offboarding processes.

Key Takeaway: Documenting employee training is essential for businesses to stay organized and efficient. To create effective documentation, use simple language, break down complex topics into smaller chunks, and include visuals where possible.

Onboarding and Offboarding Processes

Employee onboarding and offboarding processes are essential for any business, no matter the size. When done correctly, these processes can ensure that employees have a smooth transition into their new role or out of it.

Steps for an Effective Onboarding Process

A successful onboarding process should include several steps to help ensure your new employee is set up for success in their role.

These steps could include:

  1. Providing them with information about the company's culture and values.
  2. Introducing them to key stakeholders within the organization.
  3. Assigning mentors or coaches to provide guidance throughout their onboarding period.
  4. Providing access to necessary tools and resources they will need in order to do their job well.

Steps for an Effective Offboarding Process

When an employee leaves your organization, you want to make sure that they have a positive experience during this transition as well.

This includes:

  1. Having clear communication around expectations when leaving the company (such as returning all equipment).
  2. Completing exit interviews so you can learn from what went wrong (or right) during their tenure at your company.
  3. Collecting feedback on how you can improve future onboarding/offboarding experiences from both current and former employees.
  4. Ensuring that all paperwork is completed properly before they depart.

Having a strong employee onboarding and offboarding process is key to creating an effective training process. Now let's explore how to create training manuals.


Developing Training Content for Employee Development

When it comes to developing training plan templates, there are a few key elements that need to be taken into consideration.

First and foremost, you’ll want to decide what types of training materials you’ll need in order to effectively communicate the information your employees need to know. Your training plans could include manuals or handbooks, video tutorials, audio recordings, or interactive quizzes.

Once you have determined the type of employee training plans that will best suit your needs, it is important to make sure they are engaging for your employees. To do this, consider adding visuals and real-world examples. Try incorporating fun activities into the training plans such as role-playing scenarios or team-building exercises.

Developing effective training plans is key to successful employee training programs. But how do you measure success?

Measuring the Impact of Employee Training Programs

A comprehensive training document will include measuring the impact of employee training programs. Knowing how effective your employee training plans are will help you make improvements and ensure that employees are learning what they need to know in order to be successful in their roles.

Here are some metrics, techniques, and strategies to consider when measuring the success of your employee training program.

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as attendance rates, completion rates, knowledge retention levels, and skill development can provide valuable insight into how well a particular training program is working.

You can also track feedback from employees to get an idea of whether or not training sessions were effective.

Surveys are one way to gather feedback on the effectiveness of employee training plans. Ask questions about what topics were covered in detail, which methods worked best, and which areas needed more information. Try holding focus groups with employees who have completed the course to get more detailed insights into their experience.

Once you have gathered data on how well a particular training program went, use this information to create training manuals moving forward. This could include adding more resources or new activities, and providing refresher courses at regular intervals throughout the training course.

Key Takeaway: Measuring the success of employee training activities is essential and can be done by tracking KPIs, gathering feedback through surveys or focus groups, and creating actionable steps for better training courses.

FAQs About How to Document Employee Training

What should be included in the documentation of training?

Training materials usually include the topic, the instructor, the trainees, and the date of the training session. The trainers pass around attendance sheets at the training sessions or keep separate files for each employee.

How do you write a training document?

  1. Define Your Audience.
  2. Plan Your Training Content.
  3. Determine Content Presentation Format.
  4. Develop Your Content.
  5. Assemble and Deliver Your Manual.
  6. Track Feedback and Update Your Manual.

How do you document training effectiveness?

  • Identify Training KPIs.
  • Administer Assessments.
  • Observe Employee Behavior.
  • Track Employee Engagement.
  • Ask for Learner Feedback.


Learning how to document employee training is an essential part of any successful business. Documenting employee training helps to ensure that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively, while also providing a reference point for future employee onboarding and offboarding processes.

By developing effective training materials, measuring the impact of employee training programs, and documenting all aspects of the process, businesses can ensure they are getting the most out of their investment in employee education.

Are you an entrepreneur, founder, manager, or operational leader struggling to document employee training and onboarding experiences? Trainual is here to help. Our innovative platform provides a comprehensive solution for how to document employee training – making it easier than ever before to get your team up to speed with minimal effort.

With our easy-to-use software, you can ensure that all employees are properly trained while streamlining operations and reducing overhead costs. Don't wait any longer! Try out Trainual today and experience firsthand how simple documenting employee training can be.

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How to Document Employee Training: A Guide for SMBs


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