How Immediate Feedback Can Affect Employee Engagement
July 12, 2018

Employee engagement is key to a business’ success. Engaged employees are more productive and willing to prioritize the company’s overall goals. They’re also far less likely to leave the company for another opportunity.
Unfortunately, according to a recent Gallup report, approximately 85% of workers worldwide are either “not engaged or actively disengaged.” This is almost definitely the result of poor management techniques.
Luckily, that means there are steps you can take to boost engagement among your team members. Regularly soliciting feedback from your employees in real-time is a very effective way to do so. As more people than ever are working from home or remote locations, opportunities for workers to offer direct feedback have diminished. This may account for poor engagement.
By using the right management tools, like employee performance management software, you can make sure your employees still have plenty of chances to weigh in with their opinions, no matter where they happen to be located.
Here’s how to leverage this strategy to your greatest benefit.
How feedback channels can improve engagement
Employees who are reluctant to provide feedback may simply feel there are no official channels through which they can do so. They don’t want to “rock the boat” unless management openly invites feedback. Use software that gives workers the chance to share an opinion in real-time. By encouraging them to take advantage of it, you’re much more likely to get genuinely valuable input.
For instance, perhaps an employee is struggling with a new project or responsibility. If they don’t feel like they have a chance to explain their concerns or suggest solutions, they may continue to struggle. The resulting stress will reduce their overall engagement and potentially affect their overall work.
On the other hand, if they know they always have the opportunity to officially provide feedback through an established channel, they’ll be more likely to let management know there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. If you choose to make the feedback channel anonymous, it may give other struggling workers the space to discuss their own concerns.
What managers should do with feedback
That said, it’s important to understand that letting employees provide real-time feedback is only half of the equation. In order for this strategy to effectively boost engagement, you also need to act on that feedback. Let your employees know that you’ve heard their concerns, and demonstrate that you take them seriously by making any adjustments possible.
Keep in mind, soliciting real-time feedback can boost your own engagement. Any strong manager wants to know that their team members are invested in the company’s goals.
Having the chance to regularly hear directly from your employees helps you better understand their general attitude. It also lets you know how you’re performing as a manager. As a result, everyone – including you, your workers, and the entire company – is better off.
Rae Steinbach, 15Five
Rae is a graduate of Tufts University with a combined International Relations and Chinese degree. After spending time living and working abroad in China, she returned to NYC to pursue her career and continue curating quality content. Rae is passionate about travel, food, and writing, of course.
Twitter: @araesininthesun
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How Immediate Feedback Can Affect Employee Engagement
July 12, 2018

Employee engagement is key to a business’ success. Engaged employees are more productive and willing to prioritize the company’s overall goals. They’re also far less likely to leave the company for another opportunity.
Unfortunately, according to a recent Gallup report, approximately 85% of workers worldwide are either “not engaged or actively disengaged.” This is almost definitely the result of poor management techniques.
Luckily, that means there are steps you can take to boost engagement among your team members. Regularly soliciting feedback from your employees in real-time is a very effective way to do so. As more people than ever are working from home or remote locations, opportunities for workers to offer direct feedback have diminished. This may account for poor engagement.
By using the right management tools, like employee performance management software, you can make sure your employees still have plenty of chances to weigh in with their opinions, no matter where they happen to be located.
Here’s how to leverage this strategy to your greatest benefit.
How feedback channels can improve engagement
Employees who are reluctant to provide feedback may simply feel there are no official channels through which they can do so. They don’t want to “rock the boat” unless management openly invites feedback. Use software that gives workers the chance to share an opinion in real-time. By encouraging them to take advantage of it, you’re much more likely to get genuinely valuable input.
For instance, perhaps an employee is struggling with a new project or responsibility. If they don’t feel like they have a chance to explain their concerns or suggest solutions, they may continue to struggle. The resulting stress will reduce their overall engagement and potentially affect their overall work.
On the other hand, if they know they always have the opportunity to officially provide feedback through an established channel, they’ll be more likely to let management know there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. If you choose to make the feedback channel anonymous, it may give other struggling workers the space to discuss their own concerns.
What managers should do with feedback
That said, it’s important to understand that letting employees provide real-time feedback is only half of the equation. In order for this strategy to effectively boost engagement, you also need to act on that feedback. Let your employees know that you’ve heard their concerns, and demonstrate that you take them seriously by making any adjustments possible.
Keep in mind, soliciting real-time feedback can boost your own engagement. Any strong manager wants to know that their team members are invested in the company’s goals.
Having the chance to regularly hear directly from your employees helps you better understand their general attitude. It also lets you know how you’re performing as a manager. As a result, everyone – including you, your workers, and the entire company – is better off.
Rae Steinbach, 15Five
Rae is a graduate of Tufts University with a combined International Relations and Chinese degree. After spending time living and working abroad in China, she returned to NYC to pursue her career and continue curating quality content. Rae is passionate about travel, food, and writing, of course.
Twitter: @araesininthesun
How Immediate Feedback Can Affect Employee Engagement
July 12, 2018